词为我用 - belie

2021-07-17  本文已影响0人  b5438e0615f9


belie  TEM8   IELTS   GRE

UK  /bɪˈlaɪ/ US  /bɪˈlaɪ/

1. verb, If one thing belies another, it hides the true situation and so creates a false idea or image of someone or something. 掩饰,遮掩

2. verb, If one thing belies another, it proves that the other thing is not true or genuine. 证明…...是虚假的,显示…...不真实



1. The poor performance in the overall participation rate belies some strength in the underlying details.(New York Times)1

2. Their $500 cars might look ready for the junkyard, but that belies the meaning their mechanic drivers place in those vehicles and in internal combustion as a way of life.(New York Times)

3. Ms. Tu’s careful ways in business are belied by her carefree manner in person.(New York Times)

4. But repeated claims by President Trump and administration officials about the success of the program are belied by errors in data collection, according to the Post analysis.(Washington Post)

5.But distributing millions of dollars to shareholders while leaving many workers without a paycheck is unfair, critics argue, and belies the repeated statements from executives about their concern for employees’ welfare during the coronavirus crisis.(Washington Post)

6. But that belies a two-week period in March when every corner of the bond market was furiously paddling to stay afloat.(New York Times)

7. “Plaintiffs’ delay belies their claim that there is an emergency,” Gutierrez said in his ruling Friday.(Seattle Times)

8. The resurgence belies how much caution still runs through markets, however.(Seattle Times)

9. But Borges’ simple statement belied a baffling, labyrinthine story.(The Guardian)

10. Yet the performance in shares of small-cap companies, which tend to be more domestically focused than their large-cap counterparts, belies such optimism.(Reuters)

11. Pattison’s folksy approach belies the tectonic shifts facing some of his businesses.(Seattle Times)

12. Yet each company is also facing hurdles that belie the notion that they will continue to dominate the stock market.(Reuters)


belie notion, claim, statement


belies, belied, belying


Old English beleogan "to deceive by lies," from be- + lie (v.1) "to lie, tell lies." Current sense of "to contradict as a lie, give the lie to, show to be false" is first recorded 1640s.The other verb lie once also had an identical variant form, from Old English belicgan, which meant "to encompass, beleaguer," and in Middle English was a euphemism for "to have sex with" (i.e. "to lie with carnally").


misrepresent, confound, confute, debunk, disconfirm, discredit, disprove, falsify, rebut, refute, blanket, cloak, conceal, cover, curtain, disguise, enshroud, hide, mask, obscure, occult, screen, shroud, suppress, veil


bare, disclose, display, divulge, expose, reveal, show, uncloak, uncover, unmask, unveil

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