

2019-10-10  本文已影响0人  苏耀勇






就像你可能期望的那样,专家意见通常比绝大多数我们目前所考虑的各种不同证据更可靠。相比个人经验的优势是,专家意见通常能解决典型和非典型的关键问题。尽管如此,专家意见也不是一直可靠。不可靠的最重要原因是几乎每个领域的知识都在快速增加。一个世纪前,获得超过一个学科的专业技能是可能的。今天的典型学者只在一个学科的单一狭窄方面拥有专业技能,并且难以在这方面获得进一步重大的发展。不幸的是,有些人无法抗拒将自己认为是所有方面专家的诱惑。 比如,一位著名的天文学家,曾在流行杂志上写文章,并就伦理学、人类学和神学发表意见。






Increasingly, celebrities are seen endorsing products and services in commercials and infomercials. In addition, when they appear as guests on radio and television talk shows, they are encouraged to state their personal views about whatever happens to be in the news at the time. On any given day you may hear singers, actors, and athletes discussing religion, criminal justice, education, economics, international relations, campaign finance reform, and psychology, among other topics. For example, a TV host once asked an actor, “How big a factor in human life do you believe is chance in the universe?”

Your respect for celebrities as entertainers may lead you to assume that they know what they are talking about in interviews. This assumption is often mistaken. They may be very well informed. Or they may have been caught unawares by the host’s question and, not wanting to seem ignorant, uttered whatever happened to come to mind. Some celebrities may be so impressed with their own importance that they imagine whatever they say is profound for no other reason than that they say it! In the case of testimonials for products or services, the celebrities may have been paid to say things about products that they know little or nothing about.

To evaluate celebrity testimony, ask, In the case of advertisements or infomercials, is the celebrity a paid spokesperson? (This is often indicated in small print at the end of the ad.) In the case of talk show comments, does the celebrity offer any support for his or her views—for example, citing research conducted by qualified people? Also, does the host ask for such support? If the discussion consists of little more than a series of assertions expressing the celebrity’s unsupported opinion, you would do well to discount it no matter now much you may admire the person.

As you might expect, expert opinion is generally more reliable than most of the varieties of evidence we have considered so far. The advantage it enjoys over personal experience is that it can usually address the crucial question of what is typical and what is not. Nevertheless, not even expert opinion is consistently reliable. The most significant reason for unreliability is that knowledge in virtually every field is rapidly expanding. Acentury ago it was possible to gain expertise in more than one discipline. Today’s scholars typically have expertise in a single narrow aspect of one discipline and may have difficulty keeping abreast of significant developments in that one. Unfortunately, some people can’t resist the temptation to think of themselves as experts in everything. Awell-known astronomer, for example, used to write articles in popular magazines and offer his opinions on ethics, anthropology, and theology.

To evaluate expert opinion, ask, Does the person have, in addition to credentials in the broad field in question, specific expertise in the particular issue under discussion? This is not always easy to ascertain by those outside the field, but one good indication is that the person does not just state his or her opinion but also supports it with references to current research. Also ask whether the expert was paid. The acceptance of money does not necessarily taint expert opinion, but it may raise questions about the person’s objectivity. Finally, ask whether other authorities agree or disagree with the expert’s view.

There are two broad types of experiments. The laboratory experiment enables researchers to vary the conditions and thereby identify causes and effects more precisely. One disadvantage of the laboratory experiment, however, is its artificiality. The field experiment has the advantage of occurring in a natural setting, but the presence of the researchers can influence the subjects and distort the findings.

To evaluate experimental evidence, ask, For a laboratory experiment, has it been replicated by other researchers? For a field experiment, have other researchers independently confirmed the findings? If replication or confirmation has been unsuccessfully attempted, it is best to postpone your acceptance of the experiment’s findings.

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