《Trillion Dollar Coach 万亿美金教练》读书

2019-11-11  本文已影响0人  CarlYW

这本书讲的是“硅谷最大的秘密” — 硅谷诸多大神创业者们的职业教练Bill Campbell。作者是谷歌2001-2011年间的CEO Eric Schmidt和高管Jonathan Rosenberg, Alan Eagle等人。

身高只有5英尺10英寸(1.78m),体重只有162 英镑(73kg),却曾是哥伦比亚大学橄榄球队的队长。37岁作为一个不成功的橄榄球教练,离开体育届,开始找第一份工作。通过当年球队的朋友介绍,在一家科技公司做销售,40 多岁才来到硅谷。


You title makes you a manager. Your people make you a leader.

It's the people.

People are the foundation of any company's success. The primary job of each manager is to help people be more effective in their job and to grow and develop. We have great people who want to do well, are capable of doing great things, and come to work fired up to do them. Great people flourish in an environment that liberates and amplifies that energy. Managers create this environment through support, respect, and trust.

Bill's framework for 1:1s and reviews

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