《The Black Tulip》好句摘录

Do not be like Cornelius De Witte, a politician, for he will certainly end in trouble.
It is the last gift of a man who tried to save his country. I hope it will bring good to you.
Some men came running round the corner. Others came running after them.
The people hand done their work!
Don't try to seem as if you did not know.
The people pressed closer and closer. One man forced his way through the crowd.
A wave seemed to pass over the people, like the wind passing over a field of corn.
I do not believe in treating prisoners gently.They have all sorts of tricks.
Then Van Baerle got a little piece of wood and fixed the book to the opening ,so that Rosa's hand was free.
When your father put his foot on that bulb it was as if he hand broken my heart.
Watch over it as a mother over her child, as a soldier over his wonded captian.
I see that you love your tulips so much that you have no room in your heart for any other love.
He was in ill mind and in body.
I have come to see what I can do to bring back your health.
But you have the mind and the strength to defend yourself, my tulip can do nothing against its enemies.
Let the man who wins laugh!
Rosa ,if you don't open this door for me, I will break it down. I will pull the walls down stone by stone. I shall kill that Jacob, and I shall kill Gryphus-Gryphus who killed my tulip.
Rosea opened her large eyes and looked at the stranger. The Prince seemed to draw back into his corner of the room as if he did not wish to be known.
"What is the use of loving a man who will live all his life in prison, and die there?"said the Prince."If he lives and dies in prison, I can help him in life and in death." answered Rosa.
My whole life depends upon your kindness. Let me see the tulip. You don't know what feelings there are in my heart. Perhaps it is may be my tulip! Perhaps it is the tulip which was stolen from Rosa. Oh, let me get down. I must see the flower. You may kill me afterwards, but I must see it.
I pray you, let me see the Black Tulip, and when I have seen it, I am ready to die.
The flowers stood up in straight rows as he marched up and down giving them their water, and no cat ever dared to come near Gryphus' garden.
Those who have suffered much, have right to be happy.