神经系统 Nervous System 大脑brain总控制中心,主控情绪,行为。(睡眠,思想的浮动都跟它有直接关系)
呼吸系统 Cardiovascular System 我觉得这个单词挺难记住的,不过记得之前在流利说英语app中的有关健身房英语中学过Cardio 指的是有氧运动,Vascular 血管,自然可以猜出Cardiovascular 是呼吸系统啦 :p
骨骼系统 Skeletal System Your bones make up your skeleton.
肌肉系统 Muscular System
内分泌系统 Endocrine System 与内分泌系统相关的一个常见单词是Hormones 荷尔蒙,荷尔蒙失调,即系内分泌系统出了问题,这一般跟我们身体一个叫【脾glands】的器官有关, 调节内分泌可以多吃一些健脾的食物,当然按时作息也很重要咯。
呼吸体统 Respiratory System N95口罩就叫做N95 Respirator
消化系统 Digestive System 与消化系统有关的器官主要有口mouth, 胃stomach, 胰pancreas, 肝liver, 膀胱bladder
免疫系统 Immune System
Your immune system is made up of organs, tissues and a net work of parts called Lymph vessels that help to protect your body agaist desease.
泌尿系统 Urinary System
Your body needs clean waste and even poisons outof your blood. This starts in your kidneys肾, that help create waste fluid called urine.
生殖系统 Resproductive System
Males produce sperm and females produce eggs, when they fuse together, a new baby beginds to grown.