Advantages and Disadvantages of 

2017-12-23  本文已影响0人  余斯儒

Nowadays, mobile payment is rapidly becoming a new mode of consumption excepting the traditional cash payment and credit card payment in the world. And it is no doubt that China has become the country with the highest rate of mobile payment. But with the development of it, we can know clearly lots of things about advantages and disadvantages of mobile payment.

First of all, mobile payment has been breaking the limitation of crash payment and credit card payment, making people's life is more convenient. As people increase their dependence on mobile phones, now we can see that Mobile Payment has become the main consumption way in many countries especially in biggest cities like Beijing and Shanghai. And it integrated into all walks of life. Almost all the stores are WeChat and Alipay to pay support. When we go out for lunch or go shopping, we needn't take many cash on hand but just take our phones. It's convenient to scan your two-dimensional code for the shop assistant to checkout. At the same time, it decreases the rate of being robbed by theft in the street because you didn't take a lot crash, it's too conspicuous. Apart from that, wherever you want to go or whatever you want to do, you can book tickets, hotels or restaurants in advance online, and you can buy most of things you want online.

However, there always are some disadvantages with the advantages. What we are concerning about most is safety. With the development of intelligent technology, the functions of phones are becoming more and more powerful. Whenever and whatever we do something by phones, they can collect data of our information like our names, birthdays, addresses and our everything. So the meaning of a cell phone to a person is just like the meaning of a black box to a plane. When you show your two-dimensional code to the impure people, you will get so many crank call from insurance company later because you ever buy insurance when you bought an airplane ticket by your cell phone and they got your information. The worst is you or your family may be fraudulent. For example, they will call your family and tell them you owned them much money because you used to borrow their money to buy some Luxury goods. And they can provide accurate information about you, then your family will be deceived for their intention for you.

Besides it, it will make you use much money over your arrangement because you have no burden when you use mobile payment, it's harmful to save money and easy to cause something bad like campus loan. Many students are keen on online shopping, but they don't have enough money. Some wicked people take this chance to loan to the students for usury. It has result many calamities.

With the continuous progress of technology, the cash - free society is coming into being. There is no doubt that the development of things is always accompanied by positive and negative two aspects. But I sure that things are always developing in good direction and there will be better solutions to the problem of mobile payment.


