Level3 Unit1 Part4流利说英语

2019-10-17  本文已影响0人  琦格格

Christina's  future plans1

Christina sells women’s clothing in a department store.

She usually works 6 days a week,  but this week she’s going to take 3 days off. 

She’s taking time off so that she can visit her parents.

Her parents live in the mountains, about 3 hours away by train. 

They are looking forward to seeing her.

They haven’t seen her for almost a year. 

Christina is their only child.

how far away dear her parents live?it's about three hours by train

when was the last time christina saw her parents?it was almost a year ago.

Christina isn’t going on the trip by herself. 

Her boyfriend is going with her. 

She is going to introduce him to her parents. 

She and her boyfriend want to get married. 

If everything goes well, they plan to get married in 6 months. 

who is she going to introduce to her parents?her boyfriend

who is going on the trip with christina?her boyfriend

she's going to introduce her boyfriend to her parents.

After they get married, Christina plans to quit her job. 

She wants to spend more time designing clothes. 

She wants toset up her own business.

This will take time. 

Her boyfriend thinks it’s a good idea. 

He’s also thinking about starting his own business.

what did christina plans to do after she gets married?she plans to quit her job.

what does christina want to do?she wants to set up her own business.

after they get merried,Christina plans to quit her job.

They don’t plan to have children right away.

In fact, they may decide not to have children. 

They don’t know yet. 

It’s going to be a big decision. 

what's going to be a big decision?to have children or not.

Christina isn’t going on the trip by herself. 

She and her boyfriend want to get married. 

She wants to spend more time designing clothes. 

To have children or not is going to be a big decision.

Christina’s parents want her to get married and have children. They are looking forward to having grandchildren. They don’t want her to start her own business. They think it’s more important to have children. In fact, they would like her to live closer to them. They want to be close to their grandchildren.

So Christina doesn’t plan to tell her parents everything. For now, she just wants them to meet her boyfriend. She wants them to be happy that she’s going to get married. She wants them to like him and see her happiness. She wants her parents to accept her way of life. Life isn’t the same now as it used to be. Times are changing.

Chrisina's Futuree Plans2

Christina’s parents want her to marry and have children. 

They are looking forward to having  grandchildren.

They don’t want her to start her own business. 

They think it’s more important to have children. 

In fact, they would like her to live closer to them. 

They want to be close to their grandchildren.

where was christina's parents like her to leave? they would like her to live nearby

They don’t want her to start her own business. 

So Christina doesn’t plan to tell her parents everything. 

For now, she just wants them to meet her boyfriend.

She wants them to be happy that she is going to get married. 

She wants them to like him and see her happiness. 

She wants her parents to accept her way of life. 

Life isn’t the same now as it used to be. 

Times are changing

what does christina want her parents to do for now?she just wants them to meet her boyfriend

Life isn’t the same now as it used to be. 

She wants her parents to accept her way of life. 

They think it’s more important to have children. 

They are looking forward to having grandchildren.

Christina’s parents want her to marry and have children.

She wants them to be happy that she is going to get married. 

Job's &Weather

Mechanics, like this one, fix cars.

He’s working in a repair shop.

A delivery person delivers things, such as pizzas.

This person works for a restaurant.

pharmacist sells medicines.

Pharmacists, like this woman, work in a pharmacy.

Thieves, like this one, steal things.

This thief is stealing a television from a home.

Amusician, like this one, plays music.

This musician is playing a guitar.

who is fixing a car?medicines

who is delevering a pizza?a delevery

who works in a pharmacy?pharmacists.

who is playing a guitar?

a pharmacist sells medicines.

stealing things is against the law.

A pharmacist sells medicines.

This thief is stealing a television from a home.

He’s working in a repair shop.

Pharmacists, like this woman, work in apharmacy.

a delivery person delivers things, such as pizzas

Stealing things isagainst the law.

These people are wearing masks because of the smog.

One cause of smog is automobile exhaust.

It’s raining hard so you need an umbrella. 

Heavy rain like this can cause flooding and mudslides.

When the sky is  overcast, we can’t see the sun because of the clouds.

A cloudy sky means that it might rain.

We need to wear a coat when it’s cold and windy. 

In a very strong wind it’s difficult to use an umbrella.

We need to drink water and other liquids when it’s hot outside.

When it’s really hot, most people turn on the air conditioning.

??what does automo bills lost cause?

when did we need to drink lots of liquids?

when did we need to wear coat?windy 

these people are wearing masks because of the smog.

a cloudy sky means that it might rain.

we need to wear a coat when it's cold and windy.

One cause of smog is automobile exhaust.

these people are wearing masks because of the smog.

we need to drink water or other liquids when it's hot outside.

Vocabulary Things to Read

Things to Read

Here are some different types of things to read.

Works of fictions include novels, short stories and plays, such as Shakespeare.

We read fiction to enjoy stories of imagination and adventure.

People read the news to learn about what’s happening in the world.

We can get the news in newspapers and online.

When we buy something, we often need to read an instruction manual.

Instruction manuals show us how to put together or install things.

Non-fiction works include biographies and books about science and history.

We read non-fiction to learn about different subjects and real people.

?novels are what types read for matiareal.Works of fictions include novels, short stories and plays, such as Shakespeare.

what type of reading metierial  includes biographies?books about science and history.

what type of reading metierial includes the lady's science recearch?

We can learn about the latest scientific research in journals and academic papers.

Many online universities courses give a list of research papers to read.

What do we read to enjoy stories of imagination and adventure? - We read fiction to enjoy stories of imagination and adventure.

What shows us how to put something together? - Instruction manuals show us how to put together or install things.

What do we read to learn about what’s happening in the world? - People read the news to learn about what’s happening in the world.

What do we read to read history? - Non-fiction works include biographies and books about science and history.

instruction manuals show us how to put together or install things.

when we buy  something,we often need to read an instruction manual.

We read fiction to enjoy stories of imagination and adventure.

We can learn about the latest scientific research in journals and academic papers.

People read the news to learn about what’s happening in the world.

We can get the news in newspapers and online.

When we buy something, we often need to read an instruction manual.

Non-fiction works include biographies and books about science and history.

We read non-fiction to learn about different subjects and real people.

Dialogue : Foot Injury

A: What’s wrong?

B: I can’t walk.

 My left foot hurts.

A: Is it broken?

B: I don’t know if it’s broken, but it sure hurts.

What hurts? - His left foot hurts.

A: There’s one way to find out if it’s broken.

B: How?

A: You need to see a doctor. The doctor can X-ray your foot.

who can x-ray his foot?a doctor.

i don't know if it's broken,but it sure hurts.

How can they find out if his foot is broken?  - They need to see a doctor.

There’s one way to find out if it’s broken.

B: OK, let’s go. I can’t walk by myself. 

Can you help me into a taxi?

A: Sure, I’ll call a taxi.

 I’ll get you to a hospital as soon as possible.

B: Thanks. I sure hope it isn’t broken.

A: We’ll find out soon enough.

how are they  going to a hospital.by taxi.

Where do they want to go? -They want to go to a hospital.

I’ll get you to a hospital as soon as possible.

I can’t walk by myself.

I sure hope it isn’t broken.

I don’t know if it’s broken, but it sure hurts.

I’ll get you to a hospital as soon as possible.

There’s one way to find out if it’s broken.

Discussing Eating Out

W: I don’t feel like cooking tonight. Let’s go out.

M: Where would you like to go?

W: I feel like eating some great Italian food.

M: How about AI’s Italian? It’s always good.

What does she suggest? -She suggests going out to eat.

W: We went there last week. 

Let’s try something new. You have no imagination. You always want to go to the same place.

M: Right, I don’t like unpleasant surprises. I just want things to be simple.

what does she see he doesn't have?he has no imagination.

What does she want to do? - She wants to try something new.

Why doesn't she want yo go to AI’s Italian? -They went there last week.

let's try something new.

You always want to go to the same place.

I don’t feel like cooking tonight.

He doesn’t like unpleasant surprises.

She says he doesn't have any imagination.

W: OK, let’s compromise.

M: What does that mean? What do you mean by compromise?

W: Let’s go 50-50. This time we’ll go someplace new and next time we can go to one of your favorites.

M: OK, I’ll compromise and meet you halfway.

W: Good, I’ll look for something new and make reservations.

??where did she is  just go next time?to one of his favorites.

What does she suggest? -She suggests that they compromise.

M: Great, let’s not go too late.

W: I’ll make reservations for 8.

 Is that OK?

M: Yes, perfect.

You have no imagination.

You always want to go to the same place.

She suggests that they compromise.

I’ll look for something new and make reservations.

She suggests that they go someplace new this time.


