【KT法的资料05】大师远行,Charles H. Kepner

2018-10-22  本文已影响0人  amoshuang

大师远行,Charles H. Kepner 博士逝世

Kepner博士曾在著名的智囊机构 -- 美国兰德公司担任高级研究员。1958年,他离开兰德公司,与Benjamin Tregoe 博士创建Kepner-Tregoe公司(即KT公司),着手研究开发解决问题和决策流程的技术,并培训经理人。1965 年出版了划时代的《The Rational Manager》一书,这本书开创了问题解决这一学科。此后写作的多篇文章都成了本学科的基石。Kepner博士还开发了“Analytical Trouble Shooting”课程,并在1979年出版《The NEW Rational Manager》。

1983年Kepner博士离开KT,创建了Kepner Associates。1998年,他加入了Mat-thys Fourie 的Thinking Dimensions International公司。他跟Hirotsugu Iikubo合著了《Managing Beyond the Ordinary》,跟Mat-thys Fourie和Hirotsugu Iikubo合著了《Innovation: The FreeZone Thinking Experience》,这是创新管理方面的经典著作。


"Everything works out if you wait long enough.Sooner or later, the opportunity for a big move forward comes along. If you are ready, alert, and willing to go, sooner or later you will get the propitious chance."

"You don't teach how to be innovative or creative. It's there as a characteristic of the human animal. You create the conditions within which it can come out and be active."

"As the storehouse of knowledge grows, so do the possibilities of associations between the items tucked away in the recesses of the brain. Combinations are formed and more complex associations are filed away. As you know more, you can do more with what you know."



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