
2019-03-15  本文已影响0人  米妮爱分享

三月week2文献阅读:Cell-Cycle-Targeting MicroRNAs as Therapeutic

Tools against Refractory Cancers



In Brief

By performing screens for miRNAs targeting cell-cycle proteins, Hydbring et al. identify a class of miRNAs that target multiple cyclins and CDKs.


Nanoparticle delivery of these miRNAs inhibits tumor growth in several xenograft models, including treatment-refractory patient-derived xenografts.


Summary 摘要

Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are hyperactivated in numerous human tumors.


To identify means of interfering with cyclins/CDKs, we performed nine genome-wide screens for human microRNAs (miRNAs) directly regulating cell-cycle proteins.

为了确定干扰细胞周期蛋白/CDKs的方法,我们对直接调控细胞周期蛋白的人类microRNAs (miRNAs)进行了9个全基因组筛选。

We uncovered a distinct class of miRNAs that target nearly all cyclins/CDKs, which are very effective in inhibiting cancer cell proliferation.


By profiling the response of over 120 human cancer cell lines, we derived an expression-based algorithm that can predict the response of tumors to cell-cycle-targeting miRNAs.

通过分析120多个人类癌细胞株的反应,我们推导出一种基于表达的算法,可以预测肿瘤对细胞周期靶向 miRNAs的反应。

Using systemic administration of nanoparticle-formulated miRNAs, we inhibited tumor progression in seven mouse xenograft models, including three treatment-refractory patient-derived tumors, without affecting normal tissues.


Our results highlight the utility of using cellcycle-targeting miRNAs for treatment of refractory cancer types


Significance 意义

Targeting cell-cycle machinery represents an attractive anti-cancer therapeutic strategy, and chemical inhibitorsof cyclin-CDK kinases are in clinical trials.

靶向细胞周期机制是一种有吸引力的抗癌治疗策略,cyclinc - cdk激酶的化学抑制剂正在临床试验中。

Here, we identified a class of miRNAs targeting multiple cyclin/CDKs and propose that these miRNAs might be superior to currently available therapeutic compounds.


We found that cell-cycle-targeting miRNAs are very potent against triple-negative breast cancer, one of the most aggressive breast cancer types.


We provide an approach to select miRNAs that are particularly efficacious against a given tumor, thereby allowing individualized therapies.


We demonstrate that cell-cycle-targeting miRNAs can be administered to tumor-bearing animals, where they inhibit growth of patientderived tumors that are resistant to available therapies.


Hence, this study suggests a strategy of targeting aggressive human tumors


Introduction 介绍

​ The proliferation of mammalian cells is driven by cyclins and their catalytic partners, cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs).


Cyclin CDK complexes phosphorylate cellular proteins, thereby driving cell-cycle progression.


Stimulation of cells with growth factors induces the expression of D-type cyclins (cyclins D1, D2, and D3), which bind and activate CDK4 or CDK6.

用生长因子刺激细胞可诱导D型细胞周期蛋白(cyclins D1, D2, D3)的表达,这些细胞周期蛋白结合并激活CDK4或CDK6。

Later during the G1 phase, E-type cyclins (cyclins E1 and E2) become upregulated and activate CDK2 (and to a lesser extent CDK1).

在G1期后期,E型周期蛋白(周期蛋白E1和E2)上调并激活CDK2 (CDK1的激活程度较小)。

Cyclin E CDK2 complexes regulate entry of cells into the DNA synthesis (S phase).

细胞周期蛋白E CDK2复合物调控细胞进入DNA合成(S期)。

Further progression of cells through the S phase is driven by cyclin A2, which partners with CDK2.

细胞通过S期的进一步进展是由cyclin A2驱动的,它与CDK2结合。

Later during mitotic prophase, cyclin B translocates to the nucleus and activates CDK1.


Cyclin B-CDK1 kinase drives mitotic events such as spindle pole assembly, chromosome condensation, and nuclear envelope breakdown (Malumbres and Barbacid, 2009).

Cyclin B-CDK1激酶驱动有丝分裂事件,如纺锤体极组装、染色体冷凝和核膜破裂(Malumbres和Barbacid, 2009)。(细胞增殖过程的概述)

​ A comprehensive analysis of human cancers revealed that genes encoding cyclins and CDKs belong to the most frequently amplified loci (Beroukhim et al., 2010).

对人类癌症的全面分析表明,编码细胞周期蛋白和CDKs的基因属于最常见的扩增位点(Beroukhim et al., 2010)。

The importance of overexpression of D-type cyclins in pathogenesis of human cancer has been particularly well established (Musgrove et al., 2011).

过度表达D型细胞周期蛋白在人类癌症发病机制中的重要性已经得到了特别明确的证实(Musgrove et al., 2011)。

Analyses of mouse genetic models revealed the requirement for specific cyclins and CDKs in development and maintenance of a wide array of tumor types (Malumbres and Barbacid, 2009)

对小鼠遗传模型的分析揭示了在多种肿瘤类型的发育和维持过程中对特异性细胞周期蛋白和CDKs的需求(Malumbres和Barbacid, 2009)。(细胞周期蛋白和CDKs在细胞增殖中的重要性。)

​ Collectively, these observations firmly established essential roles for cyclins and CDKs in tumori genesis and led to the development of several CDK inhibitors.


Some of these compounds are currently in clinical trials, and three CDK4/6 inhibitors (palbociclib, abemaciclib, and ribociclib) received a ‘‘Breakthrough Therapy’’ designation from the US Food and Drug Administration and were approved for treatment of estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancers (Asghar et al., 2015;Finn et al., 2015).

其中一些化合物目前正在临床试验中,三种CDK4/6抑制剂(palbociclib、abemaciclib和ribociclib)获得了美国食品和药物管理局(fda)的“突破性治疗”指定,并被批准用于治疗雌激素受体阳性乳腺癌(Asghar et al., 2015;Finn et al., 2015)。

However, the clinical success of targeting the cell-cycle machinery has been limited so far.


For instance, palbociclib was shown to significantly prolong progression-free survival of cancer patients, but it had no major impact on overall survival (Finn et al., 2015).

例如,palbociclib被证明可以显著延长癌症患者的无进展生存期,但对总体生存期没有重大影响(Finn et al., 2015)。

A likely reason for this disappointing outcome is that redundant cyclins and CDKs compensate for the inhibition of CDK4 and CDK6, thereby allowing tumor progression.


For this reason, agents that target multiple cyclins and CDKs might offer a therapeutic advantage by preventing compensatory upregulation of cell-cycle kinases



​ MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been recognized for their potential in cancer therapeutics, and multiple miRNAs were suggested to either play tumor-suppressive or tumor-promoting roles (Adams et al.,2014;Hayes et al., 2014).miRNAs bind their target transcripts via the 30 UTRs of mRNAs.

MicroRNAs (miRNAs)已被认为具有潜在的癌症治疗作用,多个miRNAs被认为要么具有肿瘤抑制作用,要么具有肿瘤促进作用(Adams et al.,2014;Hayes et al.,2014)。miRNAs通过30个mRNAs的UTRs与靶转录本结合。

miRNAs do not extinguish expression of their targets but reduce their levels, with individual miRNAs targeting many different transcripts (Bartel, 2009).

miRNAs并不会抑制靶基因的表达,而是会降低靶基因的表达水平,单个miRNAs针对许多不同的转录本(Bartel, 2009)。

We hypothesized that such a broad dampening of expression of several cell-cycle proteins might allow to selectively block proliferation of cancer cells without having major effects on their non-transformed counterparts.


Moreover, targeting several cell-cycle proteins at once could be beneficial in cancer therapy since it would give less room for cell-cycle compensatory mechanisms that may lead to acquired resistance to CDK inhibition



​ Although numerous studies postulated targeting cyclins and CDKs by miRNAs in cancer treatment (Bonci et al., 2008;Johnson et al., 2007;Kota et al., 2009), no attempt was made to systematically delineate miRNAs regulating these proteins.

尽管许多研究假设miRNAs靶向cyclins和CDKs用于癌症治疗(Bonci et al., 2008;Johnson et al., 2007;Kota等人,2009),但是没有尝试系统地描述调控这些蛋白的miRNAs。

In this study, we performed nine genome-wide screens to identify the full range of miRNAs regulating major cell-cycle proteins.




Genome-Wide Screens and Their Validation


​ In order the determine the full repertoire of miRNAs directly regulating cell-cycle cyclins and CDKs, we cloned 3‘UTRs of cyclins D1, D2, D3, E1, E2, as well as CDK1, CDK2, CDK4, and CDK6 downstream of the firefly luciferase gene into a dual luciferase reporter vector.


The vector also encoded renilla luciferase driven by the SV40 promoter (Figure 1A).



Vectors containing 3’UTRs of cyclins or CDKs were subsequently stably expressed in U2OS cells, thereby generating nine reporter cell lines.


Expression of miRNAs targeting the 3‘UTR of a given cyclin or CDK in these cell lines is expected to repress the expression of the firefly luciferase while leaving renilla luciferase levels intact, and hence to decrease the firefly to renilla ratio.



​ Reporter cell lines stably expressing each of nine different 3'UTR luciferase constructs were plated in 96-well plates and transfected with human miRNA mimic library containing 885 annotated human miRNAs, one miRNA per well.


The firefly to renilla luciferase ratios were determined 28 hr post transfection (Figure 1A and Table S1).


All screens were performed in three technical replicates with all replicates displaying correlations of 0.9 or higher (Figure S1A)


​ Since in our screens all miRNA mimics as well as the reporter system were of the exogenous origin, we considered it unlikely that the choice of the cell line (U2OS cells) would affect the results of the screens.


Nevertheless, to exclude this possibility,we first determined that there was no correlation between the results of our screens and the levels of endogenous cyclins, CDKs,or miRNAs in U2OS cells (Figures S1B–S1G).

然而,为了排除这种可能性,我们首先确定我们的筛选结果与U2OS细胞内源性cyclins、CDKs或miRNAs水平之间没有相关性(fig S1B-S1G)。


Moreover, we validated our screening results using two additional epithelial cell lines, CAL51 (breast cancer) and A549 (lung adenocarcinoma);please see Figures S2A–S2E for cell-cycle characterization of these cells.



As we did for U2OS cells, we engineered CAL51 and A549 cells to stably express the luciferase reporters linked to 3'UTRs of nine cyclins or CDKs.


We then compared the response of U2OS-, CAL51-, and A549-based reporter cell lines to 20 selected miRNAs.


We found that the results were highly reproducible between the three cell lines.


Thus, the overall reproducibility between screening results in U2OS and CAL51 cells was 79.4%, between U2OS and A549 was 78.3%, and between A549 and CAL51 was 75.6% (Figures 1B, 1C, S3A, and S3B).


We concluded that the choice of U2OS cells for the screens did not significantly influence the results.


**(推测:选择细胞系(U2OS细胞)不太可能影响筛选结果 **

**验证:设计了CAL51和A549细胞,U2OS-、CAL51-和a549的报告细胞株 **


​ We performed unsupervised clustering of the results of all nine screens (Figures 1D and 1E).


Strikingly, we found that miRNAs containing a common seed sequence invariably clustered together, i.e., they produced almost identical results across the nine screens, as seen for instance for the miR-34/449 family (Figure 1E, upper panel), and the extended miR-15/16 family (Figure 1E, lower panel)


This observation provided an additional confirmation for the reliability of our screens



​ We next compared the results of our nine screens with in silico predicted targeting using five softwares: TargetScan, miRanda, miRDB, miRWalk, and TargetSpy.


Each of these algorithms predicts targeting of transcripts by miRNAs, based on the 3‘UTR sequences of the genes (Figure S3C).


We found TargetScan to be most accurate in its ability to predict targeting, followed by miRanda (Figures S3D–S3F).


We observed a strong correlation between TargetScan context score (which predicts the likelihood of targeting) and the results of our screens (Figures S3G and S3H).


Despite overall correlation, several miRNAs that were predicted to target a given cyclin or CDK did not score in our screens (Figure 1F), highlighting the limitation of the TargetScan predictive value


​ A selected number of ‘‘hits’’ from our screens were further validated using mutant miRNAs containing point mutations within their seed sequences (Figure 1G), as well as mutant 3’UTRs with mutations or deletions within miRNA target sequences (Figure 1H).


In all cases examined, these mutations strongly diminished the ability of miRNAs to repress luciferase expression (Figures 1G and 1H).


Lastly, we confirmed the ability of selected miRNAs to reduce the expression of endogenous cyclin and CDK transcripts in 12 cancer cell lines (see below).

最后,我们证实了所选 miRNAs能够降低12个癌细胞系内源性cyclin和CDK转录本的表达(见下文)。

We concluded that miRNAs identified in our screens indeed repress expression of cyclins and CDKs




Identification of Cell-Cycle-Targeting miRNAs


We constructed a heat map of all miRNAs targeting at least one cyclin or CDK.


These analyses revealed the presence of a group of miRNAs that target all or nearly all cell-cycle proteins analyzed (Figure 2A).



Importantly, the number of these cell-cycle-targeting miRNAs was significantly higher than the number predicted from random permutations (Figure 2B).



Thus, we found 16 miRNAs targeting 5 cyclins or CDKs, compared with 0.26 predicted from random permutations, 6 miRNAs targeting 6 cyclins/ CDKs (predicted 0.01), 4 miRNAs targeting 7 cyclins/CDKs (predicted 0.0007), 3 miRNAs targeting 8 cyclins/CDKs (predicted 0), and 1 miRNA targeting 9 cyclins/CDKs (predicted 0) (Figure 2B);p values <104 for all cases.


In total, we enumerated 30 miRNAs targeting at least 5 cyclins/CDKs and 14 miRNAs targeting at least 6 cyclins/CDKs (Figures 2A and 2B;Table S1).


In contrast, the number of miRNAs uniquely targeting individual cyclins or CDKs was not higher than predicted from random permutations (Figure S3I).



​ Also pairwise comparisons of all screening data revealed that miRNAs targeting one cell-cycle protein were significantly enriched for targeting other cell-cycle proteins (Figure 2C).



Collectively, these analyses revealed that the mammalian genome contains a previously unanticipated class of miRNAs that target multiple components of the core cell-cycle machinery.


We called these miRNAs cell-cycle targeting miRNAs.



​ In order to provide a quantitative measure of the ability of miRNAs to repress the cell-cycle machinery, for each miRNA we calculated the average repression value across the nine screens.


Using this criterion, 16 miRNAs repressed all nine 3‘UTRs by an average of 40% or more, while 60 miRNAs showed at least average 30% repression across the nine screens (Table S1).



​ We next askedwhether cell-cycle-targeting miRNAs might also target the other three major cyclins that were not included into our screens, namely cyclins A2, B1, and B2.


To address this point, we generated U2OS reporter cell lines stably expressing luciferase constructs containing 3’UTRs of cyclins A2, B1, or B2, and tested their response to ten randomly selected cell-cycle-targeting miRNAs.


We found that several cell-cycle-targeting miRNAs repressed the expression of cyclin A2, B1, and B2 reporter constructs.

我们发现一些细胞周期靶向 miRNAs制了cyclin A2、B1和B2报告基因的表达。

In contrast, ten randomly selected control, non-cell-cycle-targeting miRNAs had essentially no effect (Figures 2D–2F).

相比之下,随机选择10个非细胞周期靶向 miRNAs作为对照,基本上没有效果(fig2D-2F)。


We also determined that cell-cycle-targeting miRNAs were not enriched in targeting other proproliferative pathways, beside cyclins and CDKs (Table S2).


We concluded that the mammalian genome expresses a distinct class of miRNAs that can regulate expression of up to 12 major cyclins and CDKs.

我们的结论是,哺乳动物基因组表达了一类独特的 miRNAs,可以调控多达12种主要的周期蛋白和CDKs的表达。



结论:哺乳动物基因组表达了一类独特的 miRNAs,可以调控多达12种主要的周期蛋白和CDKs的表达)

Computational Analyses of Cell-Cycle-Targeting miRNAs

细胞周期靶向 miRNAs 的计算分析

​ Using data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), we analyzed the expression of cell-cycle-targeting miRNAs across 4,807 human tumor samples representing 18 tumor types.


We searched for correlation/anti-correlation between the expression of miRNAs and the levels of transcripts encoding cyclins and CDKs.


We found that miR-195-5p showed the strongest anticorrelation with expression of transcripts encoding cyclins E1, E2, CDK1, CDK2, and CDK4, and also displayed a strong anti correlation with expression of cyclins D1, D2, D3, and CDK6 (Table S3), suggesting that it might play a role in regulating the levels of these proteins in cancer cells.

我们发现mir - 195 - 5 - p与细胞周期蛋白E1,E2, CDK1, CDK2 的转录本编码表达显示最强的反相关性,同时也表现出与细胞周期蛋白D1D2、D3、和CDK6 的表达强烈的反相关性(表S3),这表明它可能发挥作用调节这些蛋白质在肿瘤细胞的水平。

**(计算分析结论:miRNAs表达与编码cyclins和CDKs的转录本关系: **

mir - 195 - 5 - p与细胞周期蛋白E1,E2, CDK1, CDK2 的转录本编码表达显示最强的反相关性,同时也表现出与细胞周期蛋白D1D2、D3、和CDK6 的表达强烈的反相关性(表S3),这表明它可能发挥作用调节这些蛋白质在肿瘤细胞的水平)

​ We also searched for correlation/anti-correlation between expression of all miRNAs and expression of all protein-coding transcripts in 4,807 human tumor samples.


The correlating transcripts were then analyzed for enrichment in KEGG pathway categories.


This guilt-by-association analysis revealed that expression of some cell-cycle-targeting miRNAs, such as miR-195-5p and miR-214-5p, strongly anti-correlated with expression of genes belonging to cell-cycle and DNA replication pathways (Figure 3A).



​ We hypothesized that cell-cycle-targeting miRNAs, through their virtue of repressing the cell-cycle machinery, might display growth-suppressive properties.


Consequently, we predicted that expression of some of these miRNAs might be silenced during tumorigenesis.


To test this prediction, we used the TCGA database to compare the expression of all cell-cycle-targeting miRNAs in 14 types of human tumors versus adjacent healthy tissue from the same patient.


We found that of all miRNAs, miR-195-5p was the one most significantly downregulated in 11 of 14 tumor types (Figure 3B; p values from 1.77 3 1012 to 0.011 for significant downregulation, Wilcoxon test)

我们发现所有的miRNAs, mir - 195 - 5 - p是一个最重要的表达,在14肿瘤类型11肿瘤类型下调(fig3 B; p值从1.77 3 1012到0.011,这些Wilcoxon测试差别明显)




发现:所有的miRNAs, mir - 195 - 5 - p是一个最重要的表达,在14肿瘤类型11肿瘤类型下调)

​ In addition, we intersected the results of our nine screens with the TCGA registry of deleted regions across many human tumor types and searched for cell-cycle-targeting miRNAs that are commonly deleted in human cancers (Figure 3C).



These analyses revealed that the miR-193a gene, which encodes one of the most potent cell-cycle-regulating miRNAs, miR-193a-3p, is frequently deleted in several types of human tumors.


We also identified numerous cell lines displaying copy number deletions of miR-193a (Figure S4A).


Among them, a lung squamous cell carcinoma cell line, SW900, harbors a very narrow, focal homozygous deletion encompassing the miR-193a gene (Figures S4A and S4B).




​ To test the response of SW900 cells to re-introduction of the deleted miRNA, we transfected double-stranded mimic of miR- 193a into SW900 cells and analyzed transcript abundance by RNA sequencing.

为了检测SW900细胞对缺失miRNA重新导入的反应,我们将miR- 193a双链模拟物转染到SW900细胞中,通过RNA测序分析转录物丰度。

Consistent with the well-established repressive effect of miRNAs on gene expression, nearly all transcripts that were affected by re-introduction of miR-193a displayed reduced levels (Figure 3D).



Strikingly, the repressed targets were strongly enriched in the cell-cycle category and included cyclins and CDKs (Figures 3E and S4C).



Consistent with inhibition of the cell-cycle machinery, expression of miR-193a blocked proliferation of SW900 cells (data not shown).


(实验:miR- 193a双链模拟物转染到SW900细胞中,通过RNA测序分析转录物丰度




