看到《王冠 》第4集。丘吉尔的魅力越发凸显。内阁成员都希望他下台,暗地里煽动民众以及女王。毕竟他待在首相之位太久了,辅佐了两代君主。初为女王的伊丽莎白也是很难啊!姜还是老的辣,女王祖母的话太精辟(看透太多),拿小本本记下来。管理者经典语录。以及又让我想到了昨天的poker face[破涕为笑],不太一样,但有相通之处。饭要认真吃,剧要慢慢追。
To do nothing is the hardest job of all.
And it will take every ounce of energy that you have.(会榨干你的每一滴精力)
To be impartial is not natural, not human.(保持中立不符合自然规律,不符合人性)
People will always want you to smile or agree or frown.
And the minute you do,
you will have declared a position.
A point of view.
And that is the one thing as sovereign that you are not entitled to do.
The less you do, the less you say or agree or smile,
Or think? Or feel? Or breathe? Or exist?
——The better.