If you are not in the perfect en
" Will you come to Shanghai for the countdown event?" Qinjie's message from the Wechat.
" No, got plan long time ago" I replied, sadly.
Damn, I gotta go to the stage now. I turn off the phone and run. At this very moment I realized I will not have normol social life if I keep doing this job. I have to do market activities every weekend and almost every holiday. That means I have to work when my friends are hanging out and take two day off spending time by my own cause everybody's working.
I didn't take it serious at the beginning. In fact, I kinda enjoy being a couch potato. But good time doesn't last, after skipping more and more parties, I feel lonely and improve slowly.
I obviously am not in a cheerful environment that inspire people to learn to grow.
" I can't be like this anymore. I should be proactive." those words suddenly rang a bell to me esterday morning.
A friend in the group sent an information of a sharing session. He has been doing this for four months in a row and I never showed up. I contacted him immediately.
When your mind change, the world change. Why having to work on the weekends should be the reason that I cannot go to the dates at saturday nights. That's silly!
From now on, nothing will stop me from meeting great people and learning new stuff.
Yesternight, I went to an English meeting after work. Long travel though, but it totally worth it. The first full English meeting I joined, and I love it. People there actually speak English and give excellent speeches.
I think I need to meet more different people so that I can come up with new ideas.
If you are not in the perfect environment, create one.