甘比英文写作拓展day11 by 姚仔

2017-01-31  本文已影响0人  姚仔

The Gaumbie Cat

As one of four grand operas in abroadways, the "cat" was also perfoemanced in shanghai many years ago when I was studying in univercaities. One of my friends were crazy about it and spent all her pocket moneys on it. However, operation remained so far away from me until several days before I received my homework in Ganbi writing course.

At first,the male strip cat, Munkustrap sang to introduce the Gumbie cat, a tabby cat with leopard spots. she sat on mattress,beneath the steps all day,that's why called the Gumbie cat. Then from the back trunk cover, an odd,dirty tabby cat hopped out. The music kept slow and gentle and it became suddenly lively and jumping. At night when all the hustle and bustle was over, the Gumbie cat could not remained sitting. She worried the mice not behaving well and nice.SO she tucked up herself skirts to the basement to creep and teaches the mice lined up on the Matty to crochet and tat. She thought the crockeoaches needs employment and organized a troope of well-disciplined helpful Boy Scouts . She even created a Beetle's tattoo.

With the help of lyrics, it was not that hard to understand the music show. Besides, the actors, no matter the MUnkstrap,the Gumbie, the three accompanying female cats and other cats on stage acted like a real cat, very vivid and lovely.

I started to think that next time I might go to see the grand operas, too.

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