流利说 D28 2018-07-04 三
Listening-"Paul's Trip Plan 1"-D19-18/06/25
Listening-"Overview of Earth"
1、Because of its importance we need to take care of it.
2、Forests provide clean air and wood for building houses.
3、Other natural resources we depend on include forests and soil.
4、The Earth is large, rotating sphere, about 4.5 billion years old.
5、Earth is where we all live.
6、Natural resources, such as coal and oil, give us energy.
7、We depend on the Earth for its air, its water and many of its natural resources.
8、Soil is needed to grow plants and keep them healthy.
9、This mixture of gases is the air that we breathe.
10、Just above the Earth's surface is the atmosphere.
11、As we move above the Earth's surface, the air gets thinner.
12、Most of the Earth's surface is covered by water.
13、These gases include oxygen, -nitrogen 氮- and -carbon dioxide 二氧化碳-.
14、Pollution poisons the air and water that we depend on.
15、At the edge of the atmosphere is space.-"at/on the edge of "-“在 边缘”
16、The atmosphere is a layer of gases about 500 kilometers thick.
17、We need to take care of these resources and not waste them.
18、There is no air at all in space.
19、The -radius-半径- is the distance from the Earth's center to its surface.
20、About 75 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by water.
Listening-"Water on Earth"
1、We can't drink ocean water because it has too much salt.
2、Most of the Earth's water is in the oceans.
3、As water enters from other streams, a river grows.
4、As for water volume, the Amazon is the largest river.
5、This use of water supplies over 20 percent of the world's electricity.
6、The water flows from high ground to low ground.
7、Some rivers become very large and long.
8、The energy of falling water is used to produce electricity.
9、River boats are used to carry things to inland cities or lakes.
10、At first, rivers are small and are called creeks or streams.
11、Only about 2 percent of the world's water is fresh water.
12、Without fresh drinking water, we can't live.
13、Of course rivers can be used for transportation.
14、This water isn't salty, so we can drink it.
五、复习 D21-2018-06-27
六、复习 D20-2018-06-26