2020-04-28 本文已影响0人
0. 链接
1. 题目
Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are the same or not.
Two binary trees are considered the same if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value.
Example 1:
Input: 1 1
/ \ / \
2 3 2 3
[1,2,3], [1,2,3]
Output: true
Example 2:
Input: 1 1
/ \
2 2
[1,2], [1,null,2]
Output: false
Example 3:
Input: 1 1
/ \ / \
2 1 1 2
[1,2,1], [1,1,2]
Output: false
2. 思路1: Morris中序遍历(递归和栈结构迭代方法实现较为简单, 就懒得写了:))
- 建立螺纹二叉树(Threaded Binary Tree), 即满足下列两个要求:
- 1.1 所有原本为空的右子节点指向中序遍历顺序之后的那个节点;
- 1.2 所有原本为空的左子节点指向中序遍历顺序之前的那个节点
(1) 初始化指针cur指向root
(2) 当cur不为空时
-- 如果cur没有左子节点, 说明找到了目前未遍历到的部分的最小值,则
a) 得到一个中序遍历的元素cur.val
b) 将cur指向其右子节点(可理解为目前未遍历到的最靠左的那个树的右子节点, 变成了最新的最左端)
-- 否则
将pre指针指向cur的左子树中的最右子节点, 不能指向cur(目的是实现1.1的要求)
** 若pre的右子节点为空, 说明找到了1.1要求的那个节点, 则
a) 将pre的右子节点指向cur
b) 将cur指向cur.left
** 否则
a) 将pre的右子节点置空
b) 得到一个中序遍历的元素cur.val
c) 将cur指向其右子节点
- 分别用
跟踪两棵树, 在任一步骤上不一致, 均中途退出,返回失败; - 遍历完毕后, 判断是否仍有一方的指针指向非空节点, 如果出现,也返回失败.
- 返回成功
3. 代码
# coding:utf8
# Definition for a binary tree node.
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, x):
self.val = x
self.left = None
self.right = None
class Solution:
def isSameTree(self, p: TreeNode, q: TreeNode) -> bool:
p_cur = p
q_cur = q
rtn = True
while p_cur is not None and q_cur is not None:
if p_cur.left is None and q_cur.left is None:
if p_cur.val != q_cur.val:
rtn = False
p_cur = p_cur.right
q_cur = q_cur.right
elif p_cur.left is not None and q_cur.left is not None:
p_pre = p_cur.left
q_pre = q_cur.left
while p_pre.right is not None and p_pre.right != p_cur:
p_pre = p_pre.right
while q_pre.right is not None and q_pre.right != q_cur:
q_pre = q_pre.right
if p_pre.right is None and q_pre.right is None:
p_pre.right = p_cur
q_pre.right = q_cur
p_cur = p_cur.left
q_cur = q_cur.left
elif p_pre.right is not None and q_pre.right is not None:
p_pre.right = None
q_pre.right = None
if p_cur.val != q_cur.val:
rtn = False
p_cur = p_cur.right
q_cur = q_cur.right
rtn = False
rtn = False
if p_cur is None and q_cur is not None:
rtn = False
if p_cur is not None and q_cur is None:
rtn = False
return rtn
solution = Solution()
# 第一组
p_1 = node = TreeNode(1)
node.left = TreeNode(2)
node.right = TreeNode(3)
q_1 = node = TreeNode(1)
node.left = TreeNode(2)
node.right = TreeNode(3)
# 第二组
p_2 = node = TreeNode(1)
node.left = TreeNode(2)
q_2 = node = TreeNode(1)
node.right = TreeNode(2)
# 第三组
p_3 = node = TreeNode(1)
node.left = TreeNode(2)
node.right = TreeNode(1)
q_3 = node = TreeNode(1)
node.left = TreeNode(1)
node.right = TreeNode(2)
print(solution.isSameTree(p_1, q_1))
print(solution.isSameTree(p_2, q_2))
print(solution.isSameTree(p_3, q_3))