
2019-02-11  本文已影响0人  yang羊羊楊


英英释义:develop or be the first to use or apply (a new method, area of knowledge, or activity)

例句:It is Alipay which pioneered and popularized mobile payment.

“pioneer”可以作名词也可以作动词,作名词有“先驱、开拓者”的意思,作动词意思是“开创、开辟、率先做某事”,我们今天学习 pioneer 作动词的用法。pioneer 作为动词,可以取代 somebody was the first to do something,让语言变得更简洁、更地道。   

从 pioneer 的英文释义我们可以看出,它后面一般会接 a method, an area of knowledge, an activity, an approach, a practice 等。下面通过几个例句来了解它的用法。   


It is Alipay which pioneered and popularized mobile payment. (这里的"mobile payment“可以看作是“method”)   

这个句子中还可以加上我们之前学过的 norm 一词:

It is Alipay which pioneered and popularized mobile payment, now widely seen as a norm.   

前不久美国西南航空公司的创始人 Herb Kelleher 去世,《经济学人》给他写了篇讣告,介绍他的时候说:   

Herb Kelleher, a pioneer of cheap air travel, died on January 3rd, aged 87.

这句话中的 pioneer 是名词,我们可以用 pioneer 的动词形式改写为:   

Herb Kelleher, who pioneered cheap air travel, died on January 3rd, aged 87. (这句话里面的“cheap air travel”可以看作是 an activity 或 a practice)   

在这篇文章里面还有一句话用到了 pioneer 作动词的用法:   

American aviation in the 1970s was dominated by the hub-and-spoke approach, pioneered by Delta Air Lines in the belief that the most efficient way to fill planes was to fly through hub cities and hoover up passengers.   

句子中对“the hub-and-spoke approach”这个普通读者可能不了解的做法作了解释:航空公司为了节约成本,提升满员率,可以让飞机先飞往大的机场,然后再让乘客转乘飞往小机场的航班。


手冲咖啡(pourover coffee)的制作技艺是由一名日本咖啡师发明。   

(参考翻译:The pourover coffee technique was pioneered by a Japanese barista.)



造句:The electric light was pioneered by Edison.

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