What is death? Surely, it is the complete cessation of everything that you have know. If it is not the cessation of everything you have know, it is not death. If you know death alreay, then you have nothing to bie frightened of. But do you know death? That is, can you while living put an end of this everlasting struggle to find in the impermanent something that will continue? Can you know the unknowable, that state which we call death, while living? Can you put aside all the descriptions of what happens after death which yo have read in books, or which you unconscious desire for comfort dictates, and taste or experience that state, which must be extraordinary, now? If that state can be experienced now, then living and dying are the same.
Suffering is a shock to awaken you, to helpo you to understand life. When you experience death, yo feel utter loneliness, the loss of support; you are like the man who has been deprived of his crutches.
But if you immediately seek crutches again in the shape of comfort, companionship, secruity, you deprive the shock of tis significance. Another shock comes, and again you go through the same process. Thus, though you have many experiences during your life, shocks of suffering that should awaken your intelligence, your understanding, you gradully dull those shocks by your desire and pursuit after comfort.