
2020-09-14  本文已影响0人  滨海晨阳

decision quicksand, what is decision quicksand? 

Have you ever agonized over which restaurant entrée to order? Which shade of white to paint the kitchen? Which flight to purchase? If so, you’re not alone. You’ve been caught in something call “Decision Quicksand.” Not only does it lead to wasted time, it also makes people unhappy and less satisfied with choice.


Decision quicksand happens to everyone. The reason it happens is less about you and more about the situation.


We expect important decisions, like whether to switch jobs or buy a house, to be difficult. After all, they’re important. They require, and deserve, careful deliberation and weighing of alternatives.


We don’t expect the same difficulty, however, for less important decisions. Which entrée to choose? Which flight to pick? That should be easy! Just pick and go. Like a walk in the park.


But unimportant decisions frequently end up being more difficult than we expect. Often there are many options to sift through, or conflicting tradeoffs on different dimensions. And this unexpected difficulty leads us to think that the decision must be more important than we originally thought. If the decision is this difficult it MUST be worth my time and effort.



