采用R820T2 TUNER芯片取代R820T 接收效果更好 灵敏度更高,频率24mhz-1766mhz。支持SDR RTL1090 接收ADS-B 978MHZ 1090MHZ 脉冲信号支持DVB-T地面无线数字电视信号和 DAB FM等无线信号。
Supports Digital terrestrial video and radio program recording (records digital terrestrial TV on PC or Laptop).
The included Input Terrestrial Antenna will offer stable TV signal.
Supports Real Time digital video recording and broadcasting.
Supports Watching DVB-T digital TV and listen to DAB and FM radio.
Full DVB-T bandwidth reception (at 6 / 7 / 8MHz)
Supports Still image snapshots and PIP (Picture in picture) function.
Can Schedule recording using the built-in Scheduler and Time-shifting function
Digital TV recording and playback as DVD quality
Support both MPEG-2, MPEG-4(H.264) encoding
Support multi-picture display
Windows SDR Software Package下载
3.1 解压sdrsharp-x86.zip 到电脑上某个文件夹.
3.2 从解压的文件夹内找到install-rtlsdr.bat,双击安装驱动及配置文件(This will start a command prompt that will download all the drivers required to make SDRSharp work with RTL-SDR.It the bat file ran successfully the files rtlsdr.dll and zadig.exe will be downloaded into the SDR# directory. )
3.3 待上一步执行完成并自动消失后,插入接收机设备,右键双击zadig.exe,以管理员身份打开
3.4 In Zadig, go to "Options->List All Devices" and make sure this option is checked. If you are using Windows 10, in some cases you may need to also uncheck "Ignore Hubs or Composite Parents".
3.5 Select "Bulk-In, Interface (Interface 0)" from the drop down list. Note on some PCs you may see something like RTL2832UHIDIR or RTL2832U instead of the bulk in interface. This is also a valid selection.
3.6 We need to install the WinUSB driver, so also ensure that WinUSB is selected in the box after the arrow next to where it says Driver (this is the default selection).
4.1 打开,设置信号源类型。Open SDRSharp.exe and set the "Source" drop down box to 'RTL-SDR (USB)'.
4.2 点击开始按钮。Press the Play button (the right facing triangle).
4.3 调节增益。Don't forget to also adjust the RF gain settings by pressing the Configure button (looks like a cog) up the top next to the Play button. By default the RF gain is set at zero. A gain of zero will probably receive nothing but very strong broadcast FM - increase the gain until you start seeing other signals.