

2022-04-25  本文已影响0人  阁香书院

Area 51


Tucked away(隐藏) in the middle of the Nevada desert, an old dusty dirt road winds its way(曲折蜿蜒) to the front gates of a highly classified(机密的) Air Force facility, known commonly as Area 51.

一条老路隐藏在内华达州的沙漠中。这条路尘土飞扬,蜿蜒曲折地通往一个高度机密的空军基地大门,这个基地通常被称为 “51区”。

It might seem like all that sensitive secret data is protected by a little more than a chain-link fence and a few "No Trespassing" signs.

看起来,似乎所有敏感的机密数据都由一道铁丝网和一些 “禁止入内” 标志来保护着。

But that's not quite the case.


But why all the top-secret precautions? What could the government be hiding in the depths of the base? And could some of the rumors(谣言) of extraterrestrial life(外星生命) be true?


Many conspiracy theorists(阴谋论者) and alien enthusiasts believe Area 51 to be a place where alien spacecrafts(飞船) are reverse engineered, where otherworldly creatures are cloned and even a possible spot to shoot a fake moon landing.


So far, all these colorful theories of aliens on earth housed inside Area 51 have amounted to, well, bupkis(什么都没有), which begs the question what exactly is behind those well-guarded gates?


To answer that question, we need to travel back to the beginning, November 1954, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower approved a plan to build a highly secretive state-of-the-art(最先进的) surveillance aircraft(侦察机) called the U-2. This new project needed a nice big plot of remote land in order to start testing their newest tech in the area of Nevada, now known as Area 51, was chosen.


Less than a year later, testing of the U-2 aircraft started at the newly-minted(新建的) base, and the civilian reports of unidentified flying objects(UFO) started flooding in right away.


But according to CIA documents declassified in 2015, there's actually a pretty good reason why this brand-new U-2 plane could have been confused with an alien ship.


Many of the first UFO sightings in and around Area 51 were made by experienced airline pilots who had never seen planes that could fly nearly that high. In fact, many at the time believed that planes couldn't fly as high as the U-2 aircraft could. So, to them, the state-of-the-art(最先进的) plane would have seemed out of this world.


By the late 1950s, the US government decided to shut down production on the U-2 plane, but super-secret tests have continued at Area 51 ever since.


What they're testing there today is anyone's guess. That information is just as classified as you might expect.


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