Skill and luck

2019-02-16  本文已影响0人  蕾蕾净芳

Life is a game of skill and luck .生活需要技巧和运气。

《飞驰人生》电影里主说: 竞技体育,成绩是练出来的,冠军是撞出来的。作为一个拉力车手,冲出赛道没有任何缓冲区域,旁边可能是墙是树,是水库,是悬崖。就看谁能在逼近极限的同时,犯更少的错误。你过得每一个弯都没有机会再来一次!你犯的每一个错,都会断送整场比赛。你所爱的事业和别的运动不一样,需要你的专业和冷静。

While ,these outcomes don't only depend on the quality of our decision -making ,but also the roll of the life's dice .如果做决定不和质量有关,也取决于生活中的运气。

有的人活的是造型 ,有的人活的是人设 ,而我活的是本事.


When we’re experiencing success ,it's important to take a moment to really ask ourselves how much of it is truly down to us ,because our egos love to downplay the luck factor  when we 're winning. 当我们在经成功的时候,应该多花一些时间扪心自问,这次成功中有多少因素真正取决我们的能力? 

The second important is quantifying my thinking .so you have to train yourself to think in numbers .量化自己想法的重要性,必须训练你自己用数字去思考。

The  third thing i want to touch on today is intution.Our intutions  aren't nearly as perfect as we'd like to believe. In reality ,our gut is extremely vulnerable to all kinds of wishful thinking and biases. 我们的直觉并没有我们想象的那么完美,而且极容易受到一厢情愿的想法和偏见的影响(don't ignore our intuitions ,we shouldn't over privilege them either 不应该忽视但是不要过分重视直觉)   


“必胜绝招 就是把你的全部 奉献给你所热爱的一切”




Last thing is  The future is unknown ,but you can damm well try and estimate it .未来是未知的,但是你可以努力尝试并且评估它。

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