【汉化】YEP.149 – Map Status Window

2017-08-02  本文已影响1400人  沧笙

YEP.149 – Map Status Window


This plugin gives you (as the developer) access through plugin commands to opening the party’s status menu on the main map screen, as it is usually seen from the battle system. It will display everything the normal battle status menu usually has and it can also be moved.


Notes and Status Window Behaviors

This plugin can also be combined with Button Common Events or Picture Common Events to give players access to a command that can open up the status window on demand without having to enter the main menu to see how the party is currently doing.

这个插件可以和Button Common Events或者Picture Common Events 插件来组合使用,让玩家不用进入菜单就可以了解队伍信息

The status Menu will automatically refresh while on the map screen whenever an actor receives HP, MP, TP, state, or buff changes. This is to ensure the data displayed on the menu stays updated.


The player can, however, move around and interact with other events while the status window is open. However, in the scenario where an event opens up a Show Text message, the status window will automatically close itself. This is to prevent heavy overlapping between the windows. The status menu window will also close whenever the player exits the current map or enters a menu in a different scene.


Plugin Commands

There’s plugin commands associate with the Map Status Window that you may use here!


Plugin Commands:


– This will open the Map Status Window while on the map scene. It will be automatically refreshed before opening.


– This will close the Map Status Window while on the map scene.


– This will switch the Map Status Window between the open and close status while on the map scene. When it opens, the window will be refreshed.


– You can force the window to refresh with this command.

SetMapStatusWindowX n

– This will set the X position of the Map Status Window to n. You can use a formula for n. This position will persist.

SetMapStatusWindowY n

– This will set the Y position of the Map Status Window to n. You can use a formula for n. This position will persist.

Happy RPG Making!

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