A vivid introduction to a place/ painting
修改:criminal punishment 刑事犯罪, 监管 supervision 须明确针对的对象, policy 可去掉
拓展:capital punishment 死刑
简洁: housing speculation
表达:cultural capital 模糊 ,类似soft skills
version 2: 更明确、简洁,表达要直接
corruption 一般不用复数
财务公开透明financial transparency, transparent finance
screening 筛选 vetting 背景调查, 剔除bad apples
The two words, education and training, are highly interchangeable.
Reminder: 明确抽象概念的具体指向
logic: losing weight 中性概念 此处应是against + 负向概念,losing weight 使用不当
更正为:Without sobriety and perseverence, people risk a relapse in the fight against (heavy/excessive) drinking.
注意:against 的用法
lip service 光说不做,玩嘴皮子 pay lip service to sb/ sth
修改:补课 make up the missed classes 课外补习班、提高班 after-school classes/ programmes ;remedial 补救
remedial classes 学习障碍
高考的公平性是new idea,前文无铺垫,这里出现是突兀的
low-hanging fruit
中式表达:climax history
To wander Kaifeng's streets which is known for a magnificant painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival is to walk through ...
inner cities, downtown
Recommended reading
书名:Writing Places
tapestry 挂毯 a tapestry of 一幅画卷
书名:Here Is New York(the best love letter ever written to New York)
cream of the cream
Personal Review
Less is more.
Without academic commitment and the deliberate practice to match, writers risk a relapse in the fight against verbosity. The risk can be minimised, though not eradicated, by penning by the maxim, "Less is more."
Few wordsmiths boast the clarity and brevity of Laozi. To read Tao Te Ching is to walk through what makes Taoism extraodinary. Word power is thus exemplified.
Understandably, English learners prone to be wordy are adviced to gravitate towards conciseness.
Reference: Why less is more when it comes to writing ?