
英语笔记 | Level 15-Unit 3

2019-02-18  本文已影响0人  阿雅_Aya

Topic: On-the-job learning

一、Key competencies

二、Stating levels of confidence



I know the company's products inside out.

know this target demographic like the back of my hand.

你也可以用comfortable in 或者 comfortable with来描述你对某事的高度信任。

I'm pretty comfortable with being in charge of projects.

I'm quite comfortable in my domain knowledge.


I think I only have a partial understanding of the data-driven approach.


know next to nothing about strategic orientation.

haven't got a clue about who our main competitors are.

三、Confirming concepts and obligations


If I'm not wrong, I need to plan my team's sales strategies in line with company strategies.

If I understand correctly, sales managers are responsible for training the sales staff?

As far as I know, we should receive data from the Business Intelligence team, right?

As I understand it, the area where I'll be spending most time will be product expertise.


I'm a little uncertain as to my role in promoting company-wide product expertise.


This is where I come in, right?

Where do I come in during this process?

四、Making indirect requests

你可能知道,你可以使用进行时的形式与动词如think 和 consider使用使你的意图不那么强硬。注意过去进行时比现在进行时听上去稍微柔和点。

I'm considering running training for you guys on sales techniques.

I was thinking about raising our sales target.


I was wanting to establish a support network in the office.



I'm hoping to join some office activities so I can make friends.

I was wondering how I can get access to more sales information. 

I'm considering finding out more about the company structure.

五、Tag questions for confirming


There is an IT department, isn't there?

I don't need to do the training myself, do I?


I don't need to use a key card to enter the office, do I?

I don't need to use a key card to enter the office, do I?


So I'll need to talk to Elaine if I want to get my personal locker, will I?

So I can just message him when I've got tech issues, can I?

We have regular office outings, do we?

六、Summarizing possible actions


You're saying the best person to talk to about getting a locker would be Elaine.

You've also mentioned that Kitty from HR is the organizer of the happy hour?

In other wordsthe best thing to do would be to message Cleveland directly?

What I should do is just go downstairs and ask her if I can help out.

By talking to Elaine, I would also get information about upcoming office events?


七、Offering your ideas 提供想法

你可能开会的时候会有希望分享的一些想法。一种提供你的想法的方法是以something that或者one thing that开始来获得其他参与者的关注。

请注意这里描述一个想法出现的短语动词:come to mindstrike me 和 come up

Something that came to mind was that it might not match our customer base.

One thing that struck me was how bulky and heavy it was.

One idea that came up was whether we should reconsider our sales strategy.


Something that came to mind when I was reviewing the design was that it might not match our customer base.

One thing that struck me as I looked at the new product was how bulky and heavy it was.

八、Asking about previous actions



Has any research been done on the African market?


It doesn't seem like any project has been run to collect our customers' experience using the new projector, is that right?

I'm wondering what's been done up till now about improving our brand image.

I'm curious to know if any research has been done in this area.

九、Expressing willingness



I'd be really keen to lead the project.

My team would love the chance to investigate the root cause of this problem.

I'd be more than willing to take on the user research.

I'd like to put myself and my team forward for solving this problem.

你可以用a good fit这个短语来强调你是一个合适的选择。

I think I'd be a good fit for this project.


I could give it a shot if it's considered really urgent.

I guess our team could take it on if everyone agrees that it's top priority.

十、Reflecting in a journal




 What happened today? What was the cause? What was the outcome?

 What were today's highlights? What were the setbacks?

 What did I do well? What did I not do so well?

 What would I do differently next time? What can I practice doing better right now?


十一、Describing how you're adapting



I got the hang of all of our product lines quite easily.


It's taken me a while to understand the concept of strategic orientation.

I've finally managed to push our team forward in meetings.


I've found it surprisingly difficult to engage in a discussion with people from different time zones.

I've finally managed to push our team forward in meetings, which wasn't as easy as I'd imagined.

I got the hang of all of our product lines quite easily, which came as a big surprise.

十二、Planning improvements



I didn't think of it then, but what I should have done was create an online shared space.


So, one thing I need to do is reassess how I approach people with more experience than me, so I can improve my communication.

Next time, when I'm having a meeting, I should also be keeping in mind that I represent my whole team.


I don't know if it's going to be any faster, but next time I might just book a meeting with someone who's got the knowledge.

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