
2022-08-31  本文已影响0人  言ru玉

1 春宵一刻值千金。

The morning hour has gold in its mouth.

2 万事开头难。

The most difficult mountain to cross is the threshold.

3 人贵有自知之明。

The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.

4 费力大,收效小。

The mountains are in labor and a ridiculous mouse will be born of them.

5 强中自有强中手。

The mouse is knowing but the cat more knowing.

6 狡兔三窟。

The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken.

7 水落石出。

The murder is out.

8 怨声载道。

The murmurs of discontent fill the streets.

9 病树前头万木春。

The new should replace the old.

10 心灵高尚者必自尊。

The noble soul has reverence for itself.

11 勺子舀不干海水。

The ocean can’t be emptied with a can.

12 老鹅有经验,不和狐狸为伍。

The old goose plays not with foxes.

13 老当益壮。

The old horse in the stable is yet dreaming of heroic exploit.

14 姜还是老的辣。

The older, the wiser.

15 享受权力者应尽义务。

The one who bestows a benefit should remain silent about it, the one who receives it should proclaim it.

16 知足者富有。

The one who lives contented owns everything.

17 善问者善教。

The one who questions well teaches well.

18 真爱没有条件。

The only love worthy of a name is unconditional.

19 知子莫若父。

The parent can see best the characters of the children.

20 光荣之路总是崎岖不平。

The path to glory is always rugged.

21 孔雀虽有化羽,却 有贱足。

The peacock has fair feathers ,but foul feet.

22 智慧胜过力量。

The  pen is mightier than the sword.

23 笔是心灵的喉舌。

The pen is the tougue of the mind.

24 自己有弱点,勿揭他短。

The people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stone.

25 愚者话多。

The person with least knowledge talks most.

26 画饼难充饥。

The picture of a rice cake does not satisfy hunger.

27 常在河边走,哪有不湿鞋子。

The pitcher goes often to the well but is broken at last.

28 朴实无华最美好。

The plain fashion is best.

29 谋事在人,成事在天。

The planning lies with man, the outcome with heaven.

30 图穷匕首见。

The pilot is revealed in the end.

31 五十步笑百步。

The pot calls the kettle black.

32 良心的力量是巨大的。

The power of conscience is great.

33 实践出真知。

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

34 青出于蓝而胜于蓝。

The pupil outdoes the master.

35 学无止境。

The pursuit of knowledge has on end.

36 赛跑要靠奔跑来赢得。

The race is got by running.

37 阅读一本好书就如和许多的智者在读书。

The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries.

38 昔日伤心事,思之有乐趣。

The remembrance of past sorrow is joyful.

39 前事不忘后事之师。

The remembranceof the past is the teacher of the future.

40 山雨欲来风满楼。

The rising wind forebodes a coming storm.

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