静子的Scalers Talk第五轮新概念朗读持续力训练 Day
Scalers Talk第五轮新概念朗读持续力训练 Day 6 20191016
Lesson 6 Percy Buttons
I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for this, the beggarstood on his head and sang songs. I gave him a meal. He ate the food and drankthe beer. Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. Later aneighbor told me about him. Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. Hecalls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal anda glass of beer.
\ˈlɛsn\6 \ˈpɜːsi\ \ˈbʌtnz\
\aɪ\ \hæv\ \ʤʌst\ \muːvd\ \tuː\ \ə\ \haʊs\ \ɪn\ \brɪʤ\ \striːt\. \ˈjɛstədeɪ\ \ə\ \ˈbɛgə\ \nɒkt\ \æt\ \maɪ\ \dɔː\. \hiː\ \ɑːskt\ \miː\ \fɔːr\ \ə\ \miːl\ \ænd\ \ə\ \glɑːs\ \ɒv\ \bɪə\. \ɪn\ \rɪˈtɜːn\ \fɔː\ \ðɪs\, \ðə\ \ˈbɛgə\ \stʊd\ \ɒn\ \hɪz\ \hɛd\ \ænd\ \sæŋ\ \sɒŋz\. \aɪ\ \geɪv\ \hɪm\ \ə\ \miːl\. \hiː\ \ɛt\ \ðə\ \fuːd\ \ænd\ \dræŋk\ \ðə\ \bɪə\. \ðɛn\ \hiː\ \pʊt\ \ə\ \piːs\ \ɒv\ \ʧiːz\ \ɪn\ \hɪz\ \ˈpɒkɪt\ \ænd\ \wɛnt\ \əˈweɪ\. \ˈleɪtər\ \ə\ \ˈneɪbə\ \təʊld\ \miː\ \əˈbaʊt\ \hɪm\. \ˈɛvrɪbɒdi\ \nəʊz\ \hɪm\. \hɪz\ \neɪm\ \ɪz\ \ˈpɜːsi\ \ˈbʌtnz\. \hiː\ \kɔːlz\ \æt\ \ˈɛvri\ \haʊs\ \ɪn\ \ðə\ \striːt\ \wʌns\ \ə\ \mʌnθ\ \ænd\ \ˈɔːlweɪz\ \ɑːsks\ \fɔːr\ \ə\ \miːl\ \ænd\ \ə\ \glɑːs\ \ɒv\ \bɪə\.
选择\ɑː \音练习:ask glass
