
【天声人语】在散步的路上 20190510

2019-06-11  本文已影响0人  吕尧



Otsu tragedy one more reminder of the vulnerability of pedestrians






根据我在东京都内工作的同僚说,他在遇到托儿所小孩出门散步的时候,托儿所的老师说:“有的家长提建议说:‘我们挺担心的,今天要不然别散步了’ 但是,有的小孩子也会担心今天会不会变成和以往不一样的一天……”.所以我们选择通车少的一条路来走。










The book "Kyo Hoikuen dene!!" (Guess what happened at preschool today!!), written by a male preschool teacher by the name of T-Sensei, details his daily interactions with his young charges.

A beautiful flower bed runs alongside the sidewalk on the south where he takes the kids for their daily stroll.

The flowers are so striking, the author notes, that one of the children, a 3-year-old named Rei-chan, seems sure someone must have colored them and that it was their job to do so.

Staring raptly at the colorful petals, she asks him out of the blue, "Sensei, who colored these flowers?" And the toddler goes on, "When I grow up, I want to be someone who colors flowers."

For young children, strolling around the neighborhood means encountering a world filled with wonder. They follow their teacher, holding tightly onto the hands of their mates and chattering happily.

Many people must have visualized this familiar scene when they learned of the heart-wrenching tragedy that occurred on May 8 in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture.

Seeing photos of the accident scene, where a vehicle rammed into a group of preschoolers on the sidewalk, I wished there had been a guardrail or at least a pole in place to protect the children.

The incident was a fresh reminder of the frightening responsibility one bears when getting behind the wheel. For all its convenience as a mode of transportation, a car can turn into an oversize lethal "weapon" if mishandled.

After the incident, a colleague of mine came across a group of kindergarten children out for a stroll on a Tokyo sidewalk.

"Some worried parents suggested that the kids skip their walk that day," their teacher siad. "But then, some youngsters get anxious if their daily routine is disrupted, so..."

The teacher's solution was to choose a route with less vehicular traffic.

Pedestrians are completely vulnerable in the face of a charging car. Sadly, accidents of this type have recently become more frequent.

But they should never be allowed to occur.

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