
2018-11-27  本文已影响0人  鲁且愚啊






Why Dolce &Gabbana's China blunder could be such a disaster



New York(CNN Business)— Dolce & Gabbana needs to clean up the mess it made in China, or left out of the country's luxury boom.  


过去几天,这家意大利时尚品牌一直在尝试应对一场由广告活动引发的危机。批评人士称这场广告活动是“无礼的和种族主义的”。让人吃惊的是,这些攻击性言论据称是该公司联合创始人Stefano Gabbana的个人Instagram账户发出的。这位意大利设计师否认写过这些信息。

Over the past several days, the Italian fashion line has been trying to manage a crisis caused by an ad campaign that critics called "disrespectful and racist." It's also reeling from offensive comments allegedly sent from co-founder Stefano Gabbana's personal Instagram account. The Italian designer has denied writing the messages.


Fallout from the controversy has been swift and harsh. Celebrities called for a boycott. Chinese e-commerce sites pulled D&G products from their virtual shelves. The brand canceled a major fashion show in Shanghai that the ads, which featured an Asian model struggling to eat Italian food with chopsticks, were designed to promote.

纽约大学Stern商学院的Tulin Erdem教授说,“这是个大的品牌危机,有时候品牌确实复苏了…但是只有1/10, (这一比例)这已经很高了。”

"This is a big brand crisis," said Tulin Erdem, a professor of marketing at NYU's Stern business school. "Sometimes brands do recover…but on a scale of 1-10, [this is] really high up."


Alienating customers is always bad for business. But for luxury brands, pushing away Chinese shopper is a disaster.


A taste for luxury


Chinese consumers that abandoned luxury brands during a government crackdown corruption are now delivering a wave of sales to high-fashion brands.

Gucci和Alexander McQueen的母公司Kering集团表示,2018年上半年在中国的销售额飙升了30%。法国时尚品牌爱马仕将同期销售利润创下记录归功于在中国的销售。D&G作为一家私营公司没有对外公布他们的销售数据。

Kering, the owner of Gucci and Alexander McQueen, said that sales in China soared 30% in the first half of 2018. French fashion house Hermes credits sales in the country for record profits over the same period. D&G is a private company that does not share its sales figures with the public.


Overall, Chinese consumers spend over $7 billion each year on luxury goods, according to the consultancy McKinsey. That's nearly one-third of the global market.


Dolce & Gabbana may have seen the Shanghai show as a way to win over those consumers.


The company had promoted the canceled event with the hashtags #DGLovesChina and #DGTheGreatShow on its social media accounts.

随着批评声的不断涌现,联合创始人 Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana试图解释他们的想法。

As criticism poured in, co-founders Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana tried to explain their thinking.


"Our dream was to bring to Shanghai a tribute event dedicated to China which tells our history and vision," the founders said in a statement posted to Instagram and Twitter on Wednesday. "It was not simply a fashion show, but something that we created especially with love and passion for China."


The company also said that Gabbana's account was hacked, and that the offensive messages were unauthorized. "I love China and the Chinese culture," Gabbana wrote on his personal account. "I'm so sorry for what happened."


The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment from CNN Business.


Missing the mark


Some didn't find the apologies sincere.


Chinese-French model Estelle Chen, who withdrew from the show, wrote "you don't love China, you love money," in a Instagram post tagging both the brand and Gabbana directly.

纽约大学任教奢侈品营销和品牌策略的Thomai Serdari表示,中国消费者对于这些在网上迅速/病毒式传播的批评特别敏感。

Chinese consumers are particularly sensitive to criticism that goes viral online, said Thomai Serdari, a strategist in luxury marketing and branding who teaches at NYU's Stern Business school.


"People are really influenced by what's happening online," she said. "They do shop primarily online, and they're excellent researchers," she said. They "have experience in the luxury market and they really what they're buying.


And the way young, wealthy Chinese consumers are thinking about luxury is evolving, said Sun Baohong, a marketing professor at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.


Before it was more for showing off social status," she said. Now, it's about "making a personal statement."


Even if Dolce & Gabbana hadn't offended people with its ads, she added, it probably would have missed the mark with the campaign.


"The ad is really showing a very old-fashioned" image of China, she said. "Chinese consumers still love foreign brands, but things are changing."


Making amends


Now, D&G has to figure out how to win back Chinese consumers.

危机公关公司CommCore Consulting Group创始人Andrew


"It's not going to happen overnight," said Andrew Gilman, founder of the crisis communication firm CommCore Consulting Group. The brand will have to "find the biggest influencers they can…[and] get back in their good graces," he said.


The company must also share a consistent message across its social media platforms and any other channels it uses to communicate with consumers, he said.


Moving forward, it will have to do a better job of understanding Chinese culture. "You can be a global brand," Gilman said, "but you have to have local sensitivities."

CNN's Ivana Kottasová, Stephy Chung and Oscar Holland contributed to this report.



