2017慈善筹款音樂会By:Tifany Wong
誠摰邀请您來參加我女兒,於 2017年11月9日晚上7時,在1120 Harvard Way, El Dorado Hills Oak Ridge 高中所組辦的慈善音樂会!
You are cordially invited to attend my daughter's Benefit Concert on 11/09/2017, Thursday at 7:00 pm at the Oak Ridge High School Multi-Purpose Room, located at 1120 Harvard Way, El Dorado Hills.
所有善款將用於為教師和學校指導員提拱心理輔導和預防靑少年自殺的培訓. 敬請大家幫忙分享和傳播這音樂會的意義. 謝謝!
Personal tax deductible contributions/donations please use:
Donations/Contributions are welcome but not required! The money will be used to provide Mental Health First Aid training for teachers and school counselors, who interact with school-age youth to detect and respond to mental health issues as well as suicide prevention. Please help to spread the awareness of this cause and the concert. Thank you!
以下是一些関於 Tifany 的個人資料和報導:
Additional Info for Tifany Wong as follows: