工作常用的 laravel artisan 命令

2020-02-12  本文已影响0人  HongXunPan

总结工作中常用到的 laravel artisan 命令

laravel artisan 命令


ide-helper 生成代码文档

 php artisan ide-helper:model Modules\\Game\\Entities\\FinanceConfig

 Do you want to overwrite the existing model files? Choose no to write to _ide_helper_models.php instead (yes/no) [no]:
 > yes

Written new phpDocBlock to /Modules/Game/Entities/FinanceConfig.php

laravel-admin 生成controller

    php artisan admin:make FinanceConfigController --model=Modules\\Game\\Entities\\FinanceConfig

App\Admin\Controllers\FinanceConfigController created successfully.

Add the following route to app/Admin/routes.php:

    $router->resource('finance-configs', FinanceConfigController::class);

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