ECMA-262 in detail

2016-01-31  本文已影响515人  李少鹏
ECMA-262 in detail
发现一个俄罗斯软件工程师 Dmitry Soshnikov 写的《深入 ECMA-262-3》、《深入 ECMA-262-5》系列文章,被翻译成多国语言,其中部分文章已经被热情的粉丝翻译成中文了,马之。

ECMA-262-3 in detail

JavaScript. The core
Chapter 1. Execution Contexts
Chapter 2. Variable object
Chapter 3. This
Chapter 4. Scope chain
Chapter 5. Functions
Chapter 6. Closures
Chapter 7.1. OOP: The general theory
Chapter 7.2. OOP: ECMAScript implementation
Chapter 8. Evaluation strategy

ECMA-262-5 in detail

Chapter 0. Introduction
Chapter 1. Properties and Property Descriptors
Chapter 2. Strict Mode
Chapter 3.1. Lexical environments: Common Theory
Chapter 3.2. Lexical environments: ECMAScript implementation


