

2017-08-08  本文已影响17人  code_w






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Topic: Review of Previous Health Teaching Workshops


Well we thought Dr. Eliya would not be here

today as she has went back home for the holidays, and we try to open up for

more in-depth inspection of the health section, and answer questions that

anybody might have. Also to bring some more information into it to clarify it

and to clear up any questions. There is nothing new or enlightening unless when

we get into questions we can bring out…so isthere any other questions I may answer?


Keyvan: Yes Mr. Keshe, if I may, I have told three of the parents of some of mystudents to come online and join us on the last Skype sessions because I toldthem it doesn’t cost anything to ask questions,…ahhh…one of the mothers called me today andstarted insulting me, you and all the people who have anything to do with thisscience and technology. I think a while ago I would have been upset and mad butI am trying to bless their souls with peace, reason and understanding. There isone client of mine who has a so-called G-syndrome; I am not a medical doctor oranything, so does that say anything to you?


MK: No never heard of it so I cannot make it out. So why did she insult you?That is interesting!


K: Yah yah, she started insulting me because she did some kind of work orhomework but she didn’t research it at all. She said I

sent a link with the list of diseases and I explained it to her and she started

insulting and saying this is totally non serious and non scientific…blah blah…and I said I feel it is like a100 years ago and would have been burned by fire if I had said anythingcontrary to the doctrine. So yes that is the situation for now.


What was the disease you mentioned?


G-syndrome, which I think is a neurological disorder of some sort, but noproblem. I wanted to ask about another case, he sits in a wheel chair and youmost likely would need a very precise description of the disease or of themalfunction to make any sort of opinion on how to reprocess the body, thephysicality?


What do you mean in that sense?


If someone is in a wheel chair and has some sort of neurological disorder andwhen the muscles…uhm…I don’t know what they call it…atrophy of the



MK: You have to see these cases because in some cases what we have realized isthat we don’t have the technology at this moment. Oneof the problems is that once you are in a wheel chair and trying to move peopleagain, it gets very difficult, because we understand the process and thenstrengthening the muscle tissue and fibers is extremely difficult.


We have tried different approaches in the past four or five years, there is oneapproach that works I have seen people coming off the wheel chair but I stoppedthe process due to other factors which I thought might make it much easier butit seems that our new approach to reactivate legs or limbs that have not movedfor some time is possible. We have achieved it but not what we thought wasgoing in the right direction. It seems we have moved away from what we couldachieve before but we have some test to see if we can break into new groundwith this.


K: Mr. Keshe at one point you talked about having a reactor at the head and atthe feet of a person that had a problem like that I believe and that would sortof align the reactors of the body, like we learned in previous health workshopsfor yourself and Eliya on the orientation on the brain and for example thelungs the heart and the other organs that form these reactor configuration, itwould make sense that aligning the body between the head and the feet and asimilar field or a greater field would help orientate those reactors within thebody, does that make sense or no?


We used to make helmets, shields and different body parts to activate and itworks but took the technology one step further to see if we can achieve it,without the shoes or without the helmet, but in a couple of cases we hadsuccess but overall we had problems because it was not comparable to when weuse the system because it looks like you have to activate locally everything sothat the system can work, to be able to move legs and arms.We have seen the changes, this is like

MS that we see on the internet so much which we see the improvements with the

thesis seems to back to the nano technology and how to activate, but physically

you can get a man walking even though the world says it was impossible.


But we came out in a different direction in the past few months to see if wecan activate the movements, though a simpler system and it seems we have notgot it right yet, but there are things you can do, in some cases you canachieve more movement but is not as fluent as it was before.


Would thecups of light

(life?)be useful in that instance?


No, no. No the cups of light are a different thing.


I am surprised you said no right away could you elaborate on that?


Let’s put it

this way. We have done a lot of tests and we know the parameters of this and in

the long run the answer would be no, in the short run we can say we can try but

I know that it won’t, because I know the working of the

cups oflight. If you wish and your wish is strong enough you can move–the body does what the body wish, the emotional part has more say

than the physical part, all damage that is a physical damage or rupture, you

don’t have much say, in other cases you might have asay but this remains to be seen,


In any case you don’t really want to make health claimswith some of the things you experiment with because it is space technology thatis the purpose for all of this, not for being in competition withpharmaceutical companies.


No it is just finding a solution that is workable. If you listen to previoustalk or programs we are not successful in every trial and when not we look forwhy, how and what we don’t understand, and when we see

a very good success we release the technology now.In January we will offer systems for

fibromyalgia, attention deficiency, because we have directly found a solution

to this problem.


As of January you can purchase systems at home, the success rate is very, very,high and the ones that do not succeed because their attention deficiency is sohigh that they will take the unit but it is just for the sake of doing it andnot really doing it, but still the system will do its job.


The other system that we will release on a large scale will be next year willbe the cancer units the double pack cancer units, people can test, what ishappening now, I was just talking to our guys in China, we try to bring thingsdown to a level that it is affordable by everyone but at the same time can givea very high good results, even certain diseases we can release systems forearly next year.


So then we can’t even say what the percentage is of

improvement and if the people are kind enough to send us what they have

achieved. One of the things that we very narrowly guide our foundation through

is we will tackle illnesses that other medicines have had no answer for, so we

keep away from the competition with the pharmaceuticals, at least this will be

our policy for at least the next year. There are a number of diseases that the

health pharmaceuticals (companies) have no answer for but we have found a

solution for it and those will be released and at the same time it creates

credibility for the foundation technology too.…Anyother questions?


Can we talk about pain Mr. Keshe and the different forms of pain? Or are theyall the same?


To me they are different types of pain but it depends on how or what you callpain, what would you like to talk about pain.


The different forms of pain in an area like if we have back problems in thatarea or if we have a head ache in that area, the different forms have to dowith the different structures so could you speak about why they all feel aspain.


Painful, but do they feel painful, in so many ways you have to, well the way Ilook at it is you have to look at the source of it the reason for it. If youbang your head against the wall you suffer from pain and you cannot do anythingabout it. But a lot of pains are self inflicted and in a way it is to show thatI am suffering, but nobody notices and it is not for the others, it isliterally for you, these kinds of pains we see in older age and in differentkinds of diseases and what this means is well let’stake the case of fibromyalgia pain


You have pain everywhere in your body, the back,

the joints, the head. The feet the upper part of the chest and a huge lack of

energy but if you touch these people they are so even touch sensitive most of

them which means if you put pressure on their arms they will jump they will cry

they say it is painful these kinds of pain are due to the position the body has

been put into due to conditioning or physiological situation but what happens

is, I don’t want to show it but I want toconflictthe pain to myself so I remember what I have done wrong, it is like pinsand you do it to yourself internally .


It is like a marker they keep for their selvesso they never do that again, people with fibromyalgia do that to their selves,but it goes to the point that the pain becomes so real that it becomesuncontrollable and literally stops, like a cut you can watch it heal andpsychological that tells you, you can survive anything, if you cut your fingeryou might bleed you might have a pain but that process of see it healed andpeeling off that last is a psychological course of action of you confirming toyourself I am strong enough I can take it I will survive


But pain with the fibromyalgia like in the case of a child being abused sexually,physically or psychologically, or any other way, cannot say anything becausethe abuser always convince the victim that it is their fault this happened if Iraped you it was because you wanted me to rape you, you want me to insult youit is because you like it, you want me to hit you it is because you want it. Sobeing a child you accept this but you know it is wrong so in a way you put apin in yourself, this, this, wasn’t my fault but I gothate for it. When you see the arm go that way then you have a pain in the armand actually you see pains even in the internal sections of the leg.


As I have explained before we have had a sexual abuse case where the lady havetwenty four operations and it was because she just wanted to get rid of theleg, the leg was supposed to be closed so she could be raped on a frequentbasis so she sees the failure as a failure of her leg at keep itself closed. Inher older age she wants to get rid of it so she keeps having operations, so thedoctors are trying to find one solution after another, when in fact the firstdoctor does a surgery should ask one question how, why and is this the reason,


We see upper arm pain with a lot of women especially on the right hand side thishas all to do with the sexual misuse and abuse you have to understand where thepain comes from and what is the root of it, then when you can explain to theadult that what you suffered in childhood wasn’t your

fault you are innocence, and then they have to accept that wasn’t their fault, it is not just understanding it, and when they foundout they walk away with no pain, because then they allow the pain which wasactually made physical not to be there.


They have sorted it out they don’t need to carry a

pain, psychological pains are one of the easiest solve but the hardest to

accept, because like in fibromyalgia, in trying to claim you have a pain you

actually lose a lot of energy, that is why people with fibromyalgia are tired

because each place it hurts which is a physical pain the body has to make

facilities to cover the pain and uses energy for it, you have what I call the

200 points of pain and let’s say they all take 5calorie each a day to keep that psychological pain under control that is athousand calories so out of a 1800 hundred calories a day of food consumptionyou get about 600 that is just for walking around a little bit that is whyfibromyalgia people cannot walk.


They are always tired and we see them after a few months’of being in the natural process again and there is no pain, becausethis was not their fault but they were subjected to it and then you understandthese are psychological pains and they can be helped quite a lot, we had a goodtraining regarding the psychological abuse in the course of our work inBelgium. In theBelgiumculture sexual abuse is a norm.


According to the police statistic there is an organization in the border onFlemish and border of the French side of the city in Belgium, in this citythere is an organization and a women who helped child abuse and I gave a coupleof lectures in their center and strange enough according to the statistics bythe police 28 % of the children here in Belgium get sexually abused withintheir family which is horrendous and they did a hidden survey about 3 or 4years ago in Belgium, they took genetics and in turns out that about 33% of thechildren are not genetic(ally linked) to the family that brings them up, thenwhen the father finds that the child is not his he begins to abuse it, becauseI got nothing to do with it, then you see the root of this problem. Then theylearn when they grow up because of the abuse , mostly sexual abuse, they comeup with all these pains and sufferings because when they grow up at 30 to 35 wesee a lot of fibromyalgia, because they have their children and they see theydon’t do these things to their children that was doneto them when they were young and this in justice cannot find a position, thenall the sufferings of childhood manifest to them as pain.


This is the structure of the fibromyalgia most of the fibromyalgia we see aremostly with women, when they grow up they don’t do thisto their children and this is why the brain gets so busy with this abuse why,why, and all the pains that come with it to justify what was done to them. Weunderstand the full process of psychological pain in respect.


So this center is in Rancha, where I talked and this lady was in this centerwho has been working in this position explained to me this and one of the Keshefoundation supporters, and this lady told me when she took me to their housethat they see a lot of children that are abused by the consent of the mother,in a way they take the place of the mother in the relationship. Or the motherswho sell their children or share it with their family.


We seen this in the village we lived in Belgium   and it is acceptedand this child that gets abused now, in 20 years, 30 years or 40, years becomesa mother and then she will start asking the question why, I look after mychildren so like they are gold and why was I abused? And then this questiontakes a lot of energy and then takes over the life and then it shows itself indifferent ways,  we have cases…ahhh…like what Luciano offered us yesterday to bring all the researchesinto a data we will do, I think it is very well known it has to be known, thesexual child abuse is part of the culture, to me I would stop all of theBelgians from crossing over to other countries because they carry on with thesame way with other children.


Internationally there has to be a decision on this, they come on a holiday andthey abuse other children in holiday camps. There should be a total ban andwith psychological records and start cleaning it up. Then you look at thesocial structure and the structure of the country, when we don’t like a member of the family who does odd things that are notacceptable we put it aside then, then we see why this nation with this behaviorhas been pushed to the edges of the continent, so most likely it has beenrejected and so it has been push to the edge.


I had a good fortune to live inBelgiumbut in the process of the research we have come to understand that a lot ofpains are created, psychological pain in physical pain; you see physical painand abuse inItaly.Physical abuse of the children, but here is not physical abuse butpsychological abuse with a new order of child protection, the abuses are takingplace behind closed doors and now that we live here we are open to it we see itquite often, children are used as a batter point and they come out of the roomas if nothing has happen and you can hear the hit of the flesh when theirparents punish them it is very normal, these children grow up then we see paincomes unwarranted. Not every nation is clean, but we cannot say whatever, butwhen we speak of psychological pain  and then converts itself tophysiological pain.


I had the misfortune of seeing huge amounts of this inBelgiumin theprocess of the research. I know that the nurse was helping us set up the centerwas appointed by the police and wanted to know if she could help with thesechildren with these pains. One of the Keshe foundation members who took me tothis lady with us, she asked does the same abuse exist from the mother to thesons and so forth and the same thing exist in Belgium? It is not just inBelgiumbut wehad the opportunity to see what the police know, 38% officially is very highbut unofficially is 50%.


And we have a lady who has written her life story because I could not get hersorted with her fibromyalgia and she has written her story on how she has gotto this point and she gave it to us to read it she wanted to be published. Nowwhen she realized it wasn’t her fault she now livesnear a normal life. I used to give talks in her house because it has to beknown by the other people , and 95% in the meeting she organized were allwomen  and they were all abused.


So we have got to understand the source of the pain, if the pain is due tocancer as I always say, no body dies of a cancer lump, nobody dies of thecancer, the death from cancer comes from the lack of energy that comes theother organs of the body because the with the cancer you literally die of alack of energy from getting no energy and these processes create pain, so ifyou can understand how the pain is created, how the cancer is initiated throughthe psychological pain usually, and then you can go back in and sort it out, itdepends if the brain has admitted to it.


Amputation pain we know like a phantom pain, we have developed the technologythat we can bypass the phantom pain, but it has to be tested so at the earlystages of the amputation, so in the early stages for amputation you just put asystem in front of the amputated position where the tissue magnetic field comesfrom the Neuro system to the point of the cut, due to the proximity of thisunit due to the cut then gets transmitted out of the body, so if the highcharges are coming and have nowhere to go, then they release it on themselvesthen you feel it as a pain.


In the phantom pain the information comes butthey have nowhere to go so they go back up the Neuro system, so they getcharges up then get released and that releases back electric shock, so we callit a phantom pain these pains. Now we have the technology to release if it ishandled in the early stages, then the body learns how to get rid of them, so itcan be solved. The knowledge is we have done it and we know how to do it, thereare other kind of pains which you have to go into detail on how they come but themajority of the pains in the man is psychological. Any questions or do you wantto expand on it?


Yes that was very good, thank you so much for that.


I think Vince would like to hear a little more about the construction of thepain patch in terms of that there has been some people that have beenexperimenting with some form of a nano coated plastic, I was wondering if youmight expand on that a little with some fuller comments…


From the first week of January we called the Keshe foundation on the commercialside, will market what we call a pain patch. This was a decision of Dr. Eliyaand Armen used it and she has seen the effectiveness of it and she said thereare some thing in the market that do these kinds of things, they cost around100, 120 Euro for a patch or a system and it doesn’twork with everything.


We have a very simple system that I developed and which has been developed forus, and now we found out in recent past that it can be done much easier, andactually the people who helped us to get it there they have been buying it offthe shelf, so we have gone into details of development and of doing it. Thepain pads that are being marketed by the foundation are about 65 centimeters by35 centimeters and they will be marketed at about $15 or $19…it just depends on what we decide in the coming few daysbecause of the packaging and how it going to be protected, what these pads dothey create gravitational magnetic fields around the pain, in a way youtransmitted the fields back into as a normality into the muscles so there is nopain, sometimes within 2 or 3 hours and sometimes it is an instant release, itis also used for leg cramps these ladies with leg cramps during their periodand  with monthly cycles and they just put it on and instantly and we seethe release.


We have used this extensively for different

applications, and very effective, extremely effective, especially like for back

pain. What happens with some back pains like when you lift something it creates

an acid within the tissues and it creates and the pain actually comes from the

separation and the chemicals which are created between the fibers–so what you do, you create a condition that the fibers can’t tolerate or allow for the acid to find and be removed.


It is not magic but it works and I have used it for nearly 15 to 20 years inthe process and it is very effective, so you don’t

solve the problem with these pads if you have something chronic you have to see

t it but if it is like a muscle pain or joint pain it immediately reacts and

what you do is just transfer plasma to magnetic fields in and out of the

position and not just to the Neuro system then you don’tfeel the pain.


Nano material pain pads then again depends on the material you use and thereare other realities and you have to be very careful with it. I have looked atit and it’s like if you have a CO2 when you use acopper and a zinc or if you use a copper on copper then you have a  copperoxide. Now in your Neuro system there is a copper nano layer and then (if you)use another copper layer you can start developing  elements in the fibers,it might work on some but not in certain positions so that knowledge has to bedeveloped because now we understand the position of nano materials as you havedone with your plates and then you have a  water and you have blood inyour muscle tissues  there is just a lot of things to consider before youcan market those kind of things these are a specific non intrusive systems inwhich they work  we recommend they will be good for about 30 to 50% of thepains but not for all pains,


It will begin on the website in the next week or two, this is a decision thatDr. Eliya wanted it to be marketed because she wanted it for her patients andat 20 dollars is affordable vs. the 150 Euros or 200 dollars, the foundationjob is very simple, we try to bring everything to the level that you can buydirectly from the foundation or at least it allows us to help those who cannotafford themselves to support it to be relieved of pain, but these pain pads arenot a answer to everything . They are not the answer for every pain because youcannot use it for psychological pain.


Ok thank you for that is there any morequestions on the Skype call, I see a question still and it says how one candevelop their own self awareness to know what is the source of the pain, I meanis it a long process and I think you would notice a process at a good ratio.


I think we ourselves, to analyze our own pain would be very difficult, becausewe would be biased to it, that is why we are there where we are with the painand then takes a lot of soul searching if you want to be and if we had acceptedit, it would have never been there. We need help from outside to be able to seeit. The thing is self awareness is one point but trying to repair the damagethat is done is another point.


Right but you have to know where that is coming from, the right person havingthat look on life is definitely important, but is there a way to internallypoint out to yourself in your own mind what is actually happening inside ofyou? Is there any way you can think of or that you know of?


You can do it if you go back to the conscious and analyze the true level of thepain, the true reason for the pain. That is why you see a lot of people have acancer and it is not what gave them cancer, the food they take, but in fact toanalyze the true point of the disease, you have to understand the psychologicallife. And when you understand the psychology of the life then you can and thenyou can solve a lot of problems. Then when you’re happy

running around doing whatever you like to do, nothing matters, this is the

normal life, but when you are told you have let’s say

cancer and the people with cancer nowadays usually start reading what are the

reasons I got this cancer, and then in some places they find a reason for the

cancer and indications for the Cancer, and then they start soul searching, they

go back…


Let’s say I

am a father and I have a prostate cancer and I know that most likely the reason

for my prostate cancer is my children or my son, then I go and look to what

have I done wrong with my son? How can I find peace with it? So now I am dying

and at least we try to be a little bit more honest with ourselves, we start

looking for what we did wrong, we start adding up to close the book, because we

don’t have much time left, because this is the usual

feeling when we are getting to the end of the road. Then you find out some

people touch the nerve, or where they assume everything they have done wrong

with their children, and then they become just to themselves, not to their son,

and they create a condition and that condition changes the emotions, and

changes the physicality and you find out they can live with the cancer it doesn’t grow and in many cases reverses.


Because they understood, and as I have said

emotion triggers it, and through that same emotion they do not create that

field, and I have seen this quite a few times, cancers which are not cancer

then disappear or it just changes the carrot. But you have to ask them the

question, you ate the carrot, but what did you actually feel, what was the

emotion in it, then you find out it was possible, every man can reverse a

cancer in their body or not reversing it. Their body just accepts it as part of

life, because cancer is evolution and at this time our bodies cannot accept the

evolution, so that new thing is taking a lot of energy, so that energy leads to

pain and that pains leads to other things and then you die of a lack of energy.

But sometimes you find a reason, but you’re notstrong enough to  accept the reason.


So the next step becomes very apparent. And some people like to put peoplethrough pain because that way they confirm their strength. Why does a fatherhit a child? He knows it hurts, but this way he confirms to himself that‘I am more powerful, I get battered, so I can batter too!’


Why do women become adulterous, why do men become adulterous?  Things wecould not have, so in other way we try to justify why we can’t get what is not there for us to have, and then one leads to

another, then to another, and then you see the psychological pressures on it.

There are psychopath people that go do these things that they get different

diseases, then they blame everybody and everything for why I am getting the

pain and the suffering themselves.…Any other questions?


Mr. Keshe you talked once about for examplethe relationship between child and mother, and when the child wants attentionand the mother has a very specific role in the family, is it possible, and Icannot make any generalities, but is it possible that a mother wants to have somuch control over the conduct of life of her child and vice versa and the childwants attention, that in the end the child ends up with some kind of handicapor disability in a wheel chair or psychological disorder? Is it possible thattoo much control from their childhood on could do this?


Maybe, I know children who feel totally sick, they can’t

do anything, and we had a lady that the mother died 17 years ago, but even in

the coffin she had control over the woman of 50 years old. She was more or less

paralyzed by it. It depends on the strength of the control and those who show

themselves to be tough, we have a saying,‘I laugh for

you not to see my pains.’You think I am a happy guyand a lot of parents, especially mothers, have full control. They put fear intothe lives of their children to show their control, because they are so weakthat they are controlled by another part, which is their own weakness.


So you can make your child sick then you have a reason to look after it andthen because you look after it you can dictate everything to do with it,because now I am in charge. We see mothers that keep on taking children fromdoctor to doctor and the doctors keep on saying that there is nothing wrongwith the child, and actually they have got to stop and see what is wrong withthe mother. I reckon 50 to 60% of children going through hospitals and doctorsare never sick, it is the mother who has to have a reason to put a child to besick, and it is so strong she will carry it through and the child confirmsevery time“yes I am sick”,

because if he doesn’t confirm he loses the love of themother and the mother does not have control now and it becomes a ping pong gamebetween  the mother and their child, and these controls carry on until thechild dies, because the mother has taken control from the beginning.


That clarifies a lot of things for those people I work with, thank you.


We hear that inIndiapeople are starting to sue Bill Gates for starting an immunization (campaign)that has caused more diseases than anything else, and apparently Mr. Bill Gatealready knew about the false vaccination. The solutions sits International allover the place, now what we have seen happen in Gaza with the Palestinians andIsraelis over the past few months, has lead the governments around the world toaccept the Palestinian government for the first time, because they show theinjustice, and now they are talking about  criminal activities againstIsrael.



