【每日外刊新闻英语#001】男妆博主正当红:China's ma
唯品会大数据显示,2015到2017年,95后男性美妆消费增长了60%,面膜、护肤、洁面是他们最常购买的前三大美妆品类,同时,BB 霜和口红成为95后男生的新宠,平均5个95后男生中就有一个使用 BB 霜。
China's male beauty vloggers go viral as gender attitudes shift
① Blushes, eyeshadows and concealers are no longer exclusively found in a woman's cosmetic bag as more and more men in China discover the power of makeup.
② The popularity of male beauty vloggers is leading a boom in China's male cosmetics market, estimated to grow to a whopping $2.4 billion in 2022.
③ It's also paving the way for more young Chinese men to experiment with gender-bending makeup and clothes, in a culture with a long history of swaggering, masculine stereotypes.
④ Even today, parents can enroll young sons in training camps to become tough and manly.
⑤ Single men looking to marry face pressure to fit certain norms – be the breadwinner and own property; multiple houses are a plus.
⑥ The change in gender ideals has been influenced by South Korean pop culture, where male celebrities and boy bands have popularised a softer, effeminate look.
⑦ With Chinese celebrities and regular boy-next-door types adopting a more delicate appearance, the fad has its own slang – xiaoxianrou, or "little fresh meat."
⑧ And makeup, for some, has gone from a fun hobby to a lucrative lifeline. A most popular beauty vlogger reportedly can pull in as much as 10 million yuan a year.
本文选自 The Telegraph

① 随着越来越多的中国男性发现化妆的力量,腮红、眼影、遮瑕膏已不再仅仅出现在女性的化妆包里了。
② 男性美妆博主的流行引领了中国男性化妆品市场的繁荣,预计到2022年将增长到24亿美元。
③ 这为许多年轻的中国男性去尝试更女性化的妆容和服饰铺平道路,突破文化中长期以来固有的男性应该气宇轩昂不拘小节的偏见。
④ 即使在当下,父母仍将他们的年轻男孩子送到训练营去锻炼,使他们变得坚强、有男子气概。
⑤ 想要结婚的单身男士面临着某些固有标准的压力,比如要赚钱养家、拥有房产,拥有多套房产就更加分了。
⑥ 性别理想的变化受到韩国流行文化的影响,在那里男明星和男团使柔和的女性化形象流行起来。
beauty /ˈbjuːti/: n. 美人,美女;美丽,漂亮
Beauty and the Beast:《美女和野兽》
beauty salon: 美容院
beauty contest: 选美比賽
beauty case: 化妆箱;化妆袋
beauty vlogger: 美妆视频博主
vlogger /vlɒɡə, vlɑːɡər/: n. 视频博主
log: n. 圆木;日志
a log cabin: 圆木小屋
blog: n. 博客 (Weblog)
blogger: n. 博客博主
go viral: 像病毒传播一般快速扩散;走红
go viral on TikTok: 在抖音上走红
go viral on the internet: 在网络上走红
shift /ʃɪft/: vi./vt. (使) 移动;转移
shift attention/emphasis/focus 转移注意力/重点/焦点
blush /blʌʃ/: n. 腮红 vi. 脸红
eyeshadow /ˈaɪʃædəʊ/: n. 眼影
concealer /kənˈsiːlə, kənˈsiːlər/: n. 遮瑕霜;遮瑕膏
conceal /kənˈsiːl/: vt. 隐藏 (hide)
conceal one's feelings: 隐藏感情
conceal one's identity: 隐藏身份
exclusively /ɪkˈskluːsɪvli/: adv. 仅仅;唯独 (only)
cosmetic bag: 化妆包 (beauty case)
cosmetic /kɒzˈmetɪk, kɑːzˈmetɪk/: n. (cosmetics) 化妆品;美容品 adj. 美容的;化妆用的
cosmetic product: 美容产品
cosmetic/plastic surgery: 整容手术
makeup /ˈmeɪkʌp/: n. 化妆品 (make-up)
wear / put on (your) make up: 化妆
take off makeup: 卸妆
eye/lip makeup: 眼妆/唇妆
light/heavy makeup: 淡妆/浓妆
lead a boom: 引领了增长;推动了繁荣
boom /buːm/: n. 风靡,潮流;(经济) 繁荣;激增,猛增 (a sudden increase)
baby boom: 婴儿潮
online shopping boom: 风靡的网购
travel boom: 旅游热
property boom: 房地产风潮
a boom in car sales: 汽车销量的巨增
a boom in house prices: 房价的突然飙升
estimate /ˈestimeɪt/: vt. 估计;估算
estimated /ˈestimeɪtid/: adj. 估计的;估算的
estimated cost: 预估成本
estimated revenue: 预计收入
whopping /ˈwɒpɪŋ, ˈwɑːpɪŋ/: adj. 很大的;巨大的 (huge)
whopper: n. 庞然大物,超大的东西;(Whopper) 皇堡
pave the way for sth.: 为……铺平道路;为……创造条件
experiment /ɪkˈsperəment/: vi. 实验;尝试 n. 实验 (/ɪkˈsperəmənt/)
do/perform/conduct an experiment: 做实验
experiment with new teaching methods: 尝试新的教学法
gender-bending: adj. 性别偏移的
bend /bend/: vi./vt. 弯;弯曲
bend your knees: 膝盖弯曲
swagger /ˈswæɡə, ˈswæɡər/: vi. 大摇大摆地走;昂首阔步地走
masculine /ˈmæskjəlɪn/: adj. 阳刚的;有男子气概的
feminine /femənɪn/: adj. 女性特征的
stereotype /ˈsteriə(ʊ)taɪp/: n. 刻板的印象;成见;偏见
stereotype of the businessman: 对商务人士的刻板印象
stereotype of the good mother: 对好母亲的刻板印象
enroll /ɪnˈrəʊl/: vt./vi. 招生;注册课程
enroll in the modern art course: 注册学习现代艺术课
look to: 指望;希望
face pressure to do sth.: 面临做某事的压力
fit certain norms: 适应某些惯例
breadwinner /ˈbredˌwɪnə, ˈbredˌwɪnər/: n. 挣钱养家的人;养家糊口的人 (family supporter)
property /ˈprɒpəti, ˈprɑːpəti/: n. 房产;资产
plus /plʌs/: n. 优势;好处
ideal /ˌaɪˈdɪəl/: n. 理想;看似完美的思想/标准 adj. 理想的
celebrity /sɪˈlebrɪti/: n. 名流;名人
boy bands: 男团
popularise /ˈpɒpjələraɪz, ˈpɑːpjələraɪz/: vt. 普及;使流行 (to make something popular and well-known)
effeminate /ɪˈfemɪnət/: adj. 女性化的
boy next door: 邻家男孩
girl next door: 邻家女孩
adopt /əˈdɒpt, əˈdɑːpt/: vt. 接受;选择;采纳
adopt a different strategy: 采用一个不同的策略
adopt an approach: 采用一个方法
delicate /ˈdelɪkət, ˈdelɪkɪt/: adj. 精致的;脆弱的;纤弱的
fad /fæd/: n. 风潮;风靡一时之物
a fad for physical fitness: 一阵健身狂热
slang /slæŋ/: n. 俚语
lucrative /ˈluːkrətɪv/: adj. 获利丰厚的;可以赚很多钱的 (profitable)
a lucrative career: 一个收入颇丰的职业
a lucrative business: 利润丰厚的生意
lifeline /ˈlaɪflaɪn/: n. 生命线;命脉
pull in: 挣 (钱);挣得 (earn/make/gain)
1. exclusively: adv. 仅仅;唯独 (only)
The restroom is exclusively/only for customers.
2. makeup: n. 化妆品 (make-up)
She put on a heavy eye makeup.
3. whopping: adj. 很大的;巨大的 (huge)
· whopper: n. 庞然大物,超大的东西;(Whopper) 皇堡
a whopping £7 million loss: 高达7百万英镑的损失
My boss gave me a whopping 35 percent pay raise.
4. pave the way for sth.: 为……铺平道路;为……创造条件
The landing could pave the way for human settlements on the Moon.
5. swagger: vi. 大摇大摆地走;昂首阔步地走
He swaggered into the room.
6. plus: n. 优势;好处
Knowledge of French is a plus in her job.
7. popularise: vt. 普及;使流行 (to make something popular and well-known)
She popularised the dress.
popularise a new hairstyle
popularise a low carbon lifestyle