Flink Concepts

2019-02-15  本文已影响3人  raincoffee


1. Use Cases



2. Dataflow Programming Model


2.1 抽象层次


Programming levels of abstraction

2.2 编程和数据流


当执行的时候,Flink程序会被影射成数据流streaming,包括streams和 transformation operators

A DataStream program, and its dataflow.

2.3 并行数据流

Flink程序内部是并行和分布式的。在执行期间,一个stream有一个或者多个partitions分区。每一个operator有一个或者多个operator subtasks。 一个operator subtasks是独立于另一个的,并且在不同的线程中执行,有可能会在不同的机器或者容器中。

The number of operator subtasks is the parallelism of that particular operator. The parallelism of a stream is always that of its producing operator. Different operators of the same program may have different levels of parallelism.

A parallel dataflow

从上图中,我们也可以得到Streams可以通过两种操作来传输数据,一个是one-to-one(or forwarding)模式,另一个是redistributing模式

2.4 Windows(窗口)

在stream上的聚合事件(例如 count sum)不同于批处理流上。例如,在stream上不可能计算出所有元素的总和count,因为stream是无边界的。然而,在stream伤的聚合操作,可以通过窗口window来限定范围。例如统计最近五分钟的数据count,或者最近100个元素的sum。

Windows包括时间驱动 (example: every 30 seconds) 和 数据驱动(example: every 100 elements)。



2.5 Time


Event Time, Ingestion Time, and Processing Time

2.6 有状态的操作

虽然数据流中的许多操作只是一次查看一个单独的事件(例如事件解析器),但某些操作会记住多个事件(例如窗口操作符)的信息。这些操作称为有状态。stateful operations的状态保持在一个内嵌的键/值存储中。state和stream(这些stream被stateful operations 读取)一起被严格的划分和分布。因此,只有在keyBy()函数之后才能在键控流上访问键/值状态,并且限制为与当前事件的键相关联的值。校验stream和state的key可以保证所有状态的更新都是本地操作,从而保证一致性而无需事务开销。同时校验还允许Flink重新分配state和显式调整流分区。

While many operations in a dataflow simply look at one individual event at a time (for example an event parser), some operations remember information across multiple events (for example window operators). These operations are called stateful.

The state of stateful operations is maintained in what can be thought of as an embedded key/value store. The state is partitioned and distributed strictly together with the streams that are read by the stateful operators. Hence, access to the key/value state is only possible on keyed streams, after a keyBy() function, and is restricted to the values associated with the current event’s key. Aligning the keys of streams and state makes sure that all state updates are local operations, guaranteeing consistency without transaction overhead. This alignment also allows Flink to redistribute the state and adjust the stream partitioning transparently.
State and Partitioning

2.7 Checkpoints for Fault Tolerance

Flink通过stream replay(流响应)checkpointing(检查点)来实现容错。检查点与每个输入流中的特定点以及每个操作符的对应状态相关。通过恢复运算符的状态并从检查点重放事件,可以从检查点恢复流数据流,同时保持一致性(恰好一次处理语义)。

The checkpoint interval is a means of trading off the overhead of fault tolerance during execution with the recovery time (the number of events that need to be replayed).

2.8 Batch on Streaming

Flink 作为streaming program的一个特殊例子来执行批操作。

3. 分布式运行时环境(Distributed Runtime Environment)


3.1 Task and Operator Chains



Operator chaining into Tasks

3.2 Job Managers, Task Managers, Clients


The processes involved in executing a Flink dataflow

3.3 Task Slots and Resources

每一个worker(TaskManager)是一个JVM进程。可以在多个分开的线程中执行一个或者多个子任务集合。为了控制一个work可以接受多少个任务。一个worker有一个叫做task slots的东西。

每一个task slot代表TaskManager里面一组固定大小的资源。切换资源(slotting the resource)意味着子任务不会与来自其他作业的子任务竞争托管内存,而是具有一定数量的保留托管内存。请注意,此处不会发生CPU隔离;当前插槽只分离任务的托管内存


A TaskManager with Task Slots and Tasks


TaskManagers with shared Task Slots

3.4 State Backends


checkpoints and snapshots

3.5 Savepoints

用Data Stream API编写的程序可以从保存点恢复执行。保存点允许更新程序和Flink群集,而不会丢失任何状态。

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