

2019-08-07  本文已影响0人  雅思小伦哥在这里

Many of us track our steps with smart watches, pedometers or phone apps and are of course thrilled when we reach that all important daily goal of 10, 000 steps With the app I use, green confetti tumbles down the screen in congratulation. The app logs"strikes, too, challenging me to see how often I can manage a week-long stretch above 10, 000 steps a day Answer: rarely


There are debates over the accuracy of some step-counters and it's obvious that they are a blunt instrument in terms of measuring exercise. If you sprint, your score is no higher than if you dawdle, yet there’s a real difference in terms of benefits to fitness. Still, they do provide a rough guide to how active you have been. If you are going to count steps, the magnitude of your goal matters. Most tracking devices are set to a default goal of 10, 000 steps-the famous number that we all know we should reach. You might assume that this number has emerged after years of research to ascertain whether 8, 000, 10,000 or maybe 12, 000 might be ideal for long-term health. In fact, no such large body of research exists.

人们就一些计步器的准确性存在争议,很明显,就测量运动量而言,它们是一种生硬的工具。如果你全速跑,你的分数并不比你闲逛时高,但是在健身的益处方面却有很大的不同。尽管如此,它们还是为你的积极程度提供了一个粗略的指南。如果你要计算步数,你的目标的大小就很重要。大多数跟踪设备的默认目标为10,000步- 我们都应知道的有名数字。你可能会认为,这个数字是经过多年研究得出的,目的是确定8000人、10000人或者12000人是否适合长期健康。事实上,并没有如此大规模的研究存在。

The magic number"10, 000"dates back to a marketing campaign conducted shortly before the start of the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games. A company began selling a pedometer called the Manpo-kei: “man" meaning 10,000, “po" meaning steps and "kei"meaning meter. It was hugely successful and the number seems to have stuck. Since then, studies have compared the health benefits of 5,000 versus 10,000 steps and, not surprisingly, the higher number is better. But until recently, all the numbers in between hadn’t been studied. Even now they haven’t been comprehensively tested on the general adult population. New research from I-Min Lee, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, and her team focused on a group of more than 16,000 women in their seventies, comparing the numbers of steps taken each day with the likelihood of dying from any cause – known as all-cause mortality. Each woman spent a week wearing a device to measure movement during waking hours. Then the researchers waited.

这个神奇的数字“10000”可以追溯到1964年东京奥运会开幕前不久的一次营销活动。一家公司开始销售一种名为“万步计”的计步器:“man”的意思是10000,“po”的意思是台阶,“kei”的意思是米。它取得了巨大的成功,而且这个数字似乎一直保持不变。从那以后,研究比较了5000步和10000步对健康的益处,毫不奇怪,步数越高越好。但直到最近,所有介于两者之间的数字都没有被研究过。即使是现在,他们也没有在普通成年人中进行全面的测试。哈佛医学院的医学教授I-Min Lee和她的团队对16000多名70多岁的女性进行了一项新研究,他们将每天走的步数与死于任何原因的可能性——即全因死亡率——进行了比较。每位女性在一周的时间里都戴着一个测量清醒时运动的设备。然后研究人员等待研究结果。

When they followed the women up an average of four years and three months later, 504 had died. How many steps do you think the survivors had been doing? Was it the magic 10,000 steps a day? In fact, the average number for survivors was only 5,500 – and incremental gains in steps mattered. Women who took more than 4,000 steps a day were significantly more likely to still be alive than those who did only 2,700 steps. It’s surprising that such a small difference could have consequences for something as critical as longevity.

当她们平均四年零三个月跟踪女性时,有504人死亡。你认为幸存者们走了多少步?是神奇的一天一万步吗? 事实上,幸存者的平均步数只有5500步,而且每一步的增加都很重要。每天走4000多步的女性明显比每天只走2700步的女性更有可能活下来。令人惊讶的是,如此微小的差异可能会对长寿这样重要的事情产生影响。

By that logic, you might assume the more steps they took, the better. For a range of steps that was true-but only up to 7, 500 steps a day, after which the benefits then plateaued. Any more than that made no difference to life expectancy.Of course, one drawback of this study is that we can't be certain that the steps preceded the illness that killed them. The researchers only included women who were fit enough to walk outside their home and they did ask people to rate their own health, but perhaps there were some participants who were well enough to walk, but already not well enough to walk very iar. In other words, they walked less steps because they were already unwell, and the steps themselves made no difference.



其公式为:全因死亡率=某人群某年总死亡人数/该人群同年平均人口数*K(K=100% )











辉煌的历史 · 文艺复兴(1330年 - 1550年)




幸福就是, 唯美食与爱不能被辜负



CNN: 世卫组织说“游戏成瘾”也是病!

睡眠不足对健康的影响有多大? 英国专家或给出答案

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