在初始版本的基础上修订了一次。这一版约825词。词主要来源于佛脚,主为填空词汇,融合了佛脚填空机经前10list。格式比较混乱,n、v、adj分别表示名词、动词与形容词,意思相近的尽量排在一起了,中文意义有点分不清,考试的时候就by discretion 吧。我有只打左括号的习惯,所以凑合着看吧。
赞美,颂词 panegyric encomium paean tribute(致敬
疏忽的 inadvertent negligent
秘密的 clandestine surreptitious covert secret furtive stealthy underground
一丝不苟的,小心谨慎的 punctilious meticulous conscientious scrupulous discreet careful
等价于 tantamount synonymous
入侵 invasion incursion
欺骗 chicanery skulduggery hoodwink hoak trickster(骗子
倾向于 liable disposed
倾向,偏好(N predilection proclivity affinity
预示,预测 predict presage portend betoken anticipate forebode foresee forecast forerun prefigure Promise(promise to be…) adumbrate herald harbinger
N:prescience oracle(神谕
诽谤 slander vilify (污蔑 defame
狂热的 feverish fervent
证实 substantiate vindicate corroborate attest
狭隘的 insular parochial
不孕不育的 infertile sterile
转瞬即逝的 evanescent ephemeral transitory
奢靡的 lavish extravagant
华丽的 opulent sumptuous onate
说教的 preachy didactic
节俭的 thrifty frugal abstemious(有节制的
朴实的、简朴的 austere unadorned unembellished simple
琐碎的 trifling trivial petty nugatory paltry 衍生为不重要的 inconsequential inconsiderable insignificant minor
重要的 consequencial staple
多变的 volatile capricious mercurial protean versatile fickle flighty(轻浮的 giddy erratic(不稳定的 arbitrary(随意的
轻率的 facile flippant flighty (轻浮的 levity(n 轻浮 indiscretion(n轻率
无忧无虑的 blithe insouciance(n.)
大灾难 cataclysm calamity catastrophe
困倦无力的 sluggish lethargy somnolent weary 昏昏欲睡的 drowsy
惰性的,迟缓的 sluggish dilatory inert lethargic torpid languid(懒鬼hh
倦怠,疲乏n lassitude
减轻 mitigate alleviate
抚慰 placate mollify conciliate appease (propitiate(使息怒
有争议的 contentious polemical fraught
暴躁的,易怒的 irascible fractious petulant (任性 snappish testy
任性的 petulant willful wayward
谜语 riddle conundrum enigma puzzle
新手 neophyte novice tyro rookie fledgling recruit
做作的 histrionic stilted
简洁的 laconic concise terse succinct pithy(简练的
使虚弱 debilitate enervate
贪婪的 rapacious voracious avaricious anquisitive(渴求的 cupidity(n
放弃 forswear forgo recant abnegate repudiate(拒绝,否定 renounce
ex:Never Abnegate 永不气馁
she renounced terrorism.
有益的 salutary conducive
强调 underscore accentuate (使突出 highlight foreground
夸大 overstate overrate aggrandize amplify exaggerate
夸张(N hyperbole
浮夸的 grandiose pompous
低估 underrate underestimate
同时 simultaneous synchronous coincident
挥霍的 prodigal profligate
谄媚的 obsequious sycophantic flattering subservient unctuous
奉承n adulation
样本 speciment exemplar
粗鲁的 impertinent insolent(v.s indolent 懒惰的) impudent boorish churlish brusque
鲁莽的 impetuous daredevil
根除 eradicate extirpate
有害的 pernicious inimical
癖好 idiosyncrasy
隔离 estrance seclusion
降低 dwindle slump
伪善 hypocrisy 假装圣洁 sanctimonious
轻蔑、鄙视的 dismissive pejorative contemptuous(v.s contentious 有争议的
轻蔑n scorn
蔑视、鄙视v flout
晦涩深奥的 recondite abstruse
病态的 morbid pathological
田园的 pastoral idyllic bucolic
迷惑(v bewilder befuddle baffle nonplus
令人困惑的 perplexing, confounding, befuddling, bewildering, puzzling, baffling, confusing(对应上面的v
困惑(n muddle
使模糊,混淆 obfuscate obscure
无病呻吟的 bathetic?
贬低,轻视 disparage degrade derogate denigrate(贬低,诋毁 belittle slight(轻视 patronize
轻描淡写 downplay de-emphasize soft-pedal(弱音踏板
引起回忆 reminiscent evocative redolent recollect(v
合理的 plausible equitable
公平的 equitable impartial, evenhanded, equal
公正的(可合上 disinterested, just, nonpartisan, dispassionate, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced
沉思 ruminate contemplate
好斗的 belligerent pugnacious truculent aggressive combative
贫穷的 impoverished impecunious
得体的 seemly decorous
相符,符合 accord consonant conform square with consilience consensus(意见一致
陈腐的 hackeyed hidebound hoary trite 过时的 outmoded outdated antediluvian fusty archaic
不安 perturb(v disquiet (nv
平庸乏味的 Banal run-of-the-mill humdrum(adj Insipid(枯燥乏味的 anodyne bland mediocre (平庸的 uneventful(平淡无奇的)
万能药 cure-all panacea elixir
不定期的 片段的 episodic sporadic
支持者 proponent apostle(倡导者) partisan antagonist
支持 espouse endorse back advocate defend champion (sanction, approbate, ratify, accredit, authorize(认可,批准)
ex:ratify the treaty.
摩擦 abrade chafe
引诱 inveigle induce cajole(诱骗 lure coax allure
删节 abridge truncate curtail(缩减(开支 retrenchment(也是缩减开支
絮叨的 喋喋不休的 garrulous loquacious
过去的 onetime erstwhile
掠夺 pillage plunder
偏离 diviate divert
令人讨厌的 令人反感的 off-putting invidious objectionable hideous loathsome noisome obnoxious scandalous
固执的 obdurate obtinate
痛斥、斥责 objurgation rebuke revile excoriate 辱骂斥责 castigate vituperate insult impugn rant(n/v diatribe
吹嘘 boast brag crow boast braggadocio(n
煽动的 seditious imflammatory
煽动 instigate
大量的 plentiful bountiful myriad(n/adj profusion(n copious
过剩的,过多的 plethora surplus superfluous(多余的
过量(n surfeit glut
恳请(v implore entreaty(n yearn(祈求,n invoke plead supplicate
渴望 agog yearn
授予 bestow confer
时髦的 trendy modish chic
先前的 antecedent precedent
快乐 愉快的 jovial 欢乐的、喜悦的 jubilant convivial
猛拉 tug wrench
摇摆 oscillate vacillate
有口才的 雄辩的 eloquent oratorical voluble
忧郁的 gloomy somber glum melancholy moody
接种疫苗 inoculate vaccinate
叛乱 insurrection uprising (起义 revolt
同意 concur acquiesce
技巧,灵活手腕 dexterity consummate(高超的(技艺
早期的 初期的 刚开始的 incipient inchoate
阻止,妨碍 stymie avert forestall preclude prevent obviate(消除,使...成为不必要
荒唐 可笑 ludicrous ridiculous
使用,支配 wield exert
沉着 冷静 aplomb phlegmatic(冷静的 composed(adj collected level-headed(清醒的 =somber placid(平静的
胆小的 timorous diffident
笨拙的 笨重的 clumsy cumbersome ; ponderous ; unwieldy
困境、僵局 impasse stalemate quandary gridlock
吸引 enthrall 诱人的 吸引人的 inviting riveting engaging winning intriguing absorbing involving thought provoking
衰退,减弱 ebb wane
动荡 turbulence upheaval roil
自满的 自负的 complacent vainglorious
虚假的 Spurious Apocryphal bogus sham
危险的 imperil(v precarious perilous dangerous hazardous risky
宠溺 cosset coddle
阻碍 阻塞 obstruct impede hinder hamper encumber suffocate block thwart check(抑制,Sex education is also expected to help check the spread of AIDS.
抑制 curb inhibit
抑制,扼杀 shackle stifle
束缚 shackle, stifle, fetter, manacle, bridle
禁止 proscribe, forbid, ban, enjoin, prohibit,inhibit
限制 confine, circumscribe, limit, restrict
悔恨 rue chagrin
驱逐,开除 expel expatriate banish oust ostracize, chase, extrude
不屈不挠的 unrelenting(持续的 hard-nosed
遗赠 bequest(n bequeath
无双的 peerless unrivalled incomparable
冷硬的,不动感情的 hard-boiled dour(冷酷的
打探,打听消息 glean elicit
小圈子 clique coterie
精简 downsize(机构精简 streamline(流程简化
边缘 brink verge
乐观的 rosy upbeat
任人唯亲 裙带关系 cronyism nepotism
敌意 animus enmity
顶峰 apogee culmination
无聊的 jejune vapid mundane canned(千篇一律的
冗长的 verbose lengthy prolix long-winded
模棱两可的 ambiguous equivocal
尖刻(N acrimony bitterness
尖刻的,刻薄的 mordant
吝啬 parsimony stingy
分散 disperse dissipated
保护 conservation preservation
粗略的 superficial sketchy undeveloped rudimentary
肤浅的 superficial unidimensional
敏锐的 astute shrewd(精明的 canny(精明的
杰出的 illustrious distinguished prominent eminent
明显的,显眼的 salient obtrusive conspicuous marked noticeable (prominent,outstanding,prominent, remarkable)(杰出的,突出的)
友善的,热情友好的 cordial easygoing affable convivial(欢乐的,轻快的 congenial ardent(热情的 gracious(亲切的
削弱 undercut undermine impair subvert(推翻
批评 lambaste chastise(v denounce(告发,谴责 opprobrium(责骂,辱骂
令人畏惧的,可怕的 daunting forbidding
不同的,多样的 heterogeneous dissimilar disparate distinct diverse
冷漠的 phlegmatic apathetic
迷人的 charismatic personable(英俊潇洒的
迷住 gravitate
极端主义者 zealot extremist
实用主义者 realist pragmatist
难懂的 艰涩的 opaque esoteric
忽视 disregard ignore overlook neglect
有趣的 compelling intriguing
繁重的 费力的 onerous taxing exacting, testing,arduous, burdensome, challenging, laborious
难驾驭的,难处理的 intractable
声称 assert maintain aver avow(也有承认 purport(也有主旨的意思, allege, contend
承认 concede, grant, acknowledge, admit, avow
反驳,证明为假 refute debunk, belie(也有掩饰, discredit rebut counter
隐藏 belie, mask, conceal, cloak, disguise, veil, obscure
可以适应的 plastic pliable
使有活力 cheer, enliven, invigorate, vitalize, vivify, energize
站不住脚的 untenable, unsustainable
避免,绕过 bypass, circumvent, skirt, detour, sidestep
ex:He skirted the hardest issues
He did not take the direct route to his home, but made a detour around the outskirts of the city.(绕行
Rarely, if ever, does he sidestep a question.
加剧、恶化、激怒 exacerbate aggravate escalate
激怒 infuriate irritate
恶化 decay, deteriorate, atrophy, worsen, regress
短暂的 transient, evanescent, ephemeral, fleeting, momentary,meteoric
对立的 antithetical, oppositional, contradictory, contrary, diametric, opposite, polar
稳定的,不变的 constant, immutable, invariable, stable, steady, permanent
可变的 changeable, variable, adaptable, adjustable, malleable, pliable
敌对的 antagonistic, adversarial, hostile, inimical, opposing
矛盾 contradiction, dichotomy, paradox, conflic
混乱 disarray, chaos, topsy-turviness, commotion, turmoil
完美的 faultless, perfect, flawless, impeccable, indefectible,irreproachable, unblemished
笑话 banter badinage