

2020-10-07  本文已影响0人  夏雨雪_7bbc

汪国真说:“世上有不绝的风景,我有不老的心情”。Wang Guozhen said:There are endless scenery in the world, and I have a feeling of not getting old.

当我们真正放开自己,面对自己,When we really let go of ourselves and face ourselves.

以一颗淡定的心看世间风景,其实,我们已是自己最美的风景。Look at the scenery of the world with a calm heart,In fact, we are already the most beautiful scenery of our own.

浩渺尘世,匆忙而繁乱,The vast world, hasty and chaotic.

茫茫人海,我们都是彼此曾路过的风景,The vast sea of people,we are all the scenery that we have passed by each other.

人生如书,我们往往忽略了自己的笔墨!Life is like a book, we often ignore our own pen and ink!

转眼岁月如风,花落成尘,In the twinkling of an eye, the years are like the wind, and the fallen flowers become dust.

不要因为张望着别处的风景,而忘了自己的美好。Don't forget your beauty just because you look at the scenery elsewhere.

或许在未来的某一天,Maybe one day in the future,

有人一直在等待着你,Someone has been waiting for you.

等待着你的风景如画,Waiting for your picturesque scenery,

等待着你的笑靥如花,Waiting for your smile like a flower,

希望那天来临时,不早不晚,I hope that when that day comes, it will be neither too early nor too late.

而你,刚好遇见 !

And you...Just met!

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