
2018.9.15 雅思写作解析

2018-09-17  本文已影响468人  Ericlub



In many countries nowadays, more and more women have full-time jobs as men. There is a logic that men and women should share the housework tasks equally. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  2014年5月10日








理由1:有利于消除就业性别歧视 eliminate gender discrimination in the workplace. 女人在找工作时经常处于不利地位,be in a disadvantageous position,为什么很多公司不愿意招收女员工?因为女员工事情多,主要一点就是被家务所累,洗衣做饭带孩子,容易影响工作。如果全社会都形成男女分摊家务的良好风气,那么一定能够促进工作中的男女平等 promote gender equality。

理由2:男人做家务有利于教育孩子。这里的家务指的是照顾孩子这件事。传统观点认为带孩子理所当然是妈妈的责任,因为她们温柔体贴 gender and considerate,但是研究表明并非这么简单。如果孩子缺乏父爱,可能会导致性格缺陷 lead to deficiency in their personalities。如果父亲多陪孩子,能够教会孩子一些重要的品格 teach them some important qualities such as courage and determination,想想电视和电影里的那些 “爸爸去哪了”,你就知道爸爸的教育对于孩子有多么不可或缺了。


不必男女平摊家务。我们鼓励男人做家务,主要是希望男人承担起更多家庭的事务,但并一定要平均分摊。每个家庭情况不同,也许有的女人就愿意老公什么都不干呢,或者反过来,有的老公就愿意把家务活全包了呢。所以没有必要把家务平均分配 be split in half and assigned to husband and wife alike。


Nowadays with an increasing number of women taking full-time jobs, a practical issue in families where couples both work during day time is that who should be responsible for housework after work. Many people, particularly feminists, believe that husbands should take responsibility to share the housework like cleaning the room and childrearing.

It sounds reasonable that women should be assisted in doing housework by their husbands, as today women contribute a lot to the family by working outside and bringing in income. Women spend a vast majority of time on their work during the day and therefore deserve proper rest after a day's hard work as men do. Generally, if the husband helps with house chores, the housework will be done more quickly therefore they can get more time playing with kids or relaxing themselves. 

Besides, by sharing the housework, the husband and wife can gain more mutual understanding. For example, while the wife is washing the dishes, she can discuss a problem she encountered at work during the day with her husband who might be sweeping the floor at the same time. Vise versa, the husband can share something interesting with his wife who is ready to be relieved by easy topics which help her forget the stressful business at work temporarily. So to some extent, sharing housework can help build a healthy marital relationship and strengthen the bonding among family members.

Some people might argue that gender difference do exist in terms of psychology and physiology. From their viewpoint, men are supposed to focus on career development and leave house chores to their wives. However, this opinion might neglect the fact that women are now showing great potential in fields they are good at and actually playing an indispensible role in the society's development. Female accountants, doctors, engineers are only a few number of numerous positions where women contribute their talent. Another aspect this argument does not consider is that men prove more suitable for many tasks in house maintaining. Most men in America, for instance, spend their weekends working in the garden or mending furniture that requires both physical energy and dexterity.

In conclusion, I believe each family member should contribute to housework, regardless of their capability of carrying out those tasks. The most important thing about sharing housework in a family is not only to build an organized and comfortable home to live in but create a cozy atmosphere that benefits children's growth.


Although in many societies, women are engaged in an extensive range of positions just as men are, it is still illogical to claim that the two parts should take the same amount of household tasks.

Considering the reality, it is not sensible to reckon that men and women should shoulder chores equally. Social norms widely exist in many cultures, in which the two sexes are tightly bound to different roles. Men are expected to undertake more financial responsibilities to support families, while women are deemed as those who take charge of domestic tasks. Despite the fact that there are increasing career opportunities for women, various sex-related barriers such as glass ceiling mean that female workers are less likely to make professional achievements, and hence economical rewards, than male employees. Thus, requiring men to shift their concerns from career and to level up the time and energy they put on housework with women is counterproductive to the interest of individual families.

However, contrary to the thought that women are more capable of doing household tasks than men, in many cases, it is males who exceed their female partners in chores, both in terms of quantity and quality. Men naturally are stronger than women, so they take the majority of works demanding strength, including repairing and gardening. Many husbands are more creative than wives and are proved as better cooks and housekeepers. Even men can be more competent than women in the areas which are regarded as female dominant, like baby care and needling.

Therefore, it does not make perfect logical sense to believe that women should share equal household duties because they both work full time.





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