
2018-07-21  本文已影响62人  LabVIEW_Python


·      影响力,领导力是一种影响他人的能力

· 管理矛盾和冲突的能力

·     管理自己和他人情绪,Disarm之后,解决矛盾和冲突

· 激励和鼓舞(Inspires and motivate)能力

·      驱动执行(Driving Execution

·      领导变革(Leading Change

·      建设生态系统,整合上下游资源和培养合作伙伴(Cultivating Networks and Partnerships

·      具备商业头脑和企业家精神(Entrepreneurship

·      指导他人成长(Coaching and Developing others

Driving Execution

Translating strategic priorities into operational reality; aligning communication, accountabilities, resource capabilities, internal processes, and ongoing measurement systems to ensure that strategic priorities yield measurable and sustainable results.

Leading Change

Driving organizational and cultural changes needed to achieve strategic objectives; catalyzing new approaches to improve results by transforming organizational culture, systems, or products/services; helping others overcome resistance to change.

Cultivating Networks and Partnerships

Initiating and maintaining strategic relationships with stakeholders and potential partners inside and outside the organization (e.g., customers, peers, cross-functional partners, external vendors, alliance partners) who are willing and able to provide the information, ideas, expertise, and/or influence needed to advance understanding of business issues and achieve business goals.


Using own understanding of key market drivers to create and seize business opportunities, expand into new markets, and launch new products, services, and/or profitable endeavors.


