BBC | 9月

2018-09-04  本文已影响20人  关仲人


1 well known for his foul mouthed diatribes. 【① (N-COUNT) 抨击;谴责 A diatribe is an angry speech or article which is extremely critical of someone's ideas or activities.】

2 Manila sheltered more than a thousand jews fleeing the holocaust. 【① (N-VAR) (尤指战争引起的)大屠杀,大毁灭,浩劫 A holocaust is an event in which there is a lot of destruction and many people are killed, especially one caused by war.】

9.8 朝鲜总统访朝鲜

9.10 埃及处决了很多穆斯林领袖

1 police were dispersing a sit-in [① (N-COUNT) 静坐示威 A sit-in is a protest in which people go to a public place and stay there for a long time.]

2President had been deposed of by the current President [① (VERB) 罢免,废黜(统治者或政治领导人) If a ruler or political leader is deposed, they are forced to give up their position.]

9.11 朝鲜70年阅兵未出示洲际导弹

1anti-immigration party is vying to win a pivotal role [① (V-RECIP) 竞争;争夺 If one person or thing is vying with another for something, the people or things are competing for it.]

2 美 [ˈbæstʃən,-tiən] a bastion of liberal values.[① (N-COUNT) 堡垒(指固守一种生活方式等的体制或组织) If a system or organization is described as a bastion of a particular way of life, it is seen as being important and effective in defending that way of life. Bastion can be used both when you think that this way of life should be ended and when you think it should be defended.]

3 conflating with a spiking crime[① (V-RECIP-ERG) 合并;混合 If you conflate two or more descriptions or ideas, or if they conflate, you combine them in order to produce a single one.]

4 North Korea's professed commitment to denuclearization [used to describe a belief or a position that sb has publicly made known 公开表明的]

5 昂首阔步的士兵们都在向金正恩致敬。 [ goose stepping soldiers* all paying their tribute to Kim Jong-un.]

9.11 山竹来了

【1】it may be necessary to impose rolling blackouts【轮流停电】
【2】finalize an agreement to end dispute which led to skirmishes【③ (N-COUNT) 小争执;口角;争论;冲突 A skirmish is a short, sharp argument.】
【3】A British paramedic【 美 [ˌpærəˈmɛdɪk] ① (N-COUNT) 急救医士;医务辅助人员 A paramedic is a person whose training is similar to that of a nurse and who helps to do medical work.】
【4】 a garish paint job applied to plain wooden statues【美 [ˈgerɪʃ]
① (ADJ-GRADED) 花哨的;炫目的;俗艳的 You describe something as garish when you dislike it because it is very bright in an unattractive, showy way.】
【5】Jesus was given a green robe while Mary got a bright pink headscarf and eyeliner【 (N-COUNT) 长袍;罩袍 A robe is a loose piece of clothing which covers all of your body and reaches the ground. You can describe someone as wearing a robe or as wearing robes .】

9.19 英国脱欧

9.20 爱爱尔兰在脱欧中作为筹码

【1】pinned her to a bed and tried to undress her【③ (VERB) 按住;压住;使动弹不得 If someone pins you to something, they press you against a surface so that you cannot move.】
【2】unrest in the city【① (N-UNCOUNT) 动乱;骚乱;动荡 If there is unrest in a particular place or society, people are expressing anger and dissatisfaction about something, often by demonstrating or rioting.】
【3】cast doubt on the authenticity【⑥ (VERB) 使产生怀疑;使不确信 To cast doubt on something means to cause people to be unsure about it.】
【4】far-right xenophobic attack.【美 [ˌzenə'foʊbɪk] ① (ADJ-GRADED) 仇外的;惧外的 If you describe someone as xenophobic, you disapprove of them because they show strong dislike or fear of people from other countries.】

take up the role
fragility of Germany's coalition

9.21 朝韩计划联合运动会申请

【1】company had failed to live up to its responsibility.【① (PHRASAL VERB) 遵守(诺言);符合,不辜负(期望) If someone or something lives up to what they were expected to be, they are as good as they were expected to be.】


