
Law and Disorder | Repulicans Re

2021-01-08  本文已影响0人  b5438e0615f9

After electoral defeat and mob violence, might Donald Trump’s malign grip on his party be loosened? Maybe. Congressional Republicans who voted to overturn the presidential election knew they would fail. Mr Trump’s attempt to suborn Republican officials in Georgia did the party no favours there. Some of his supporters in Congress have belatedly been emboldened to criticise him. But this is still short of wholesale repudiation by the Republican establishment, without which it is hard to imagine Mr Trump relinquishing his hold. Still, it is now more imaginable. Mr Trump’s media cheerleaders, all law-and-order obsessives, may find it hard to dismiss Wednesday’s images from the Capitol. Middle America dislikes mob violence and cherishes the symbols of its democracy. The Republicans lost support after Timothy McVeigh blew up a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people, in 1995. The parallel is inexact, but indicates how far Mr Trump and his MAGA shocktroops appear to have overstepped.


1 重点词汇表达

1. malign,If something is malign, it causes harm. 有害的,不良的

eg. Reliance on sponsorship can have a malign effect on theatre groups.

malign influence,有害的影响

2.grip, noun, Someone's grip on something is the power and control they have over it. 掌握,支配,控制

eg. We need to tighten the grip we have on the market.

have/ keep a grip on sth,对某事进行控制

tighten/ loosen/ relax your grip on sth,加强/ 放松对某事的控制

3.suborn, vt, law to persuade someone to tell lies in a court of law or to do something else that is illegal, especially for money 唆使, 收买某人作伪证(做其他非法的事)

eg. He was accused of conspiring to suborn witnesses.

subornation, noun, 教唆,收买

4. belatedly, adv, 太迟,太晚

eg. The government has belatedly acknowledged that it would be a shame to lose them.


5. repudiation, noun, The act of repudiating or the state of being repudiated. 否认

eg. Do you think that your election is a repudiation of his presidency?

repudiate, vt,否认

6.obsessive, noun, a person who is affected by an obsession着迷的人

eg. He's an obsessive, obsessed with having complete collections of things.

7.overstep, vt, to go beyond what is normal or allowed 超越(正常或允许的)范围,越权,僭越

eg. He tends to overstep the boundaries of good taste.

overstep the limits/ bounds/ boundaries,越轨,过分,出格

overstep the mark,言行过分

8.parallel, noun, a person, a situation, an event, etc. that is very similar to another, especially one in a different place or time (尤指不同地点或时间的)极其相似的人(或情况、事件等)

eg. This is an achievement without parallel in modern times.

in parallel with,与......同时

9.dismiss, vt, If you dismiss something from your mind, you stop thinking about it. (从头脑中)去除,不再考虑,抛弃

eg. He found it tough to dismiss his ex-girlfriend from his mind soon.

10. relinquish, vt, to stop having sth, especially when this happens unwillingly (尤指不情愿地)放弃

eg. He was forced to relinquish control of the company.

the medical/ military/ political, etc. establishmen 医学界、军界、政界等当权派

2   固定搭配

1.the establlishment,(通常反对变革的)当权派,权势集团(统称)权威人士

eg. A speaker announced the establishment of a new college.

2.shock troops, 突击部队

eg. Shock troops sent to the front line played a key role in evacuating the injured.

3.short of,缺少

eg. Their children of people living in poor areas were usually short of nutrition.

4. blow up,  炸毁,炸得粉碎

eg. Rebels attempted to blow up a bridge.

5.electoral defeat, 选举失败

eg. A president has come to terms with his electoral defeat after failing to file lawsuits.

6.mob violence,暴力事件

eg. People aroud them are wondering what has escalated into mob violence.

3 术语表达

1.Georgia, 简称GA,佐治亚州,美国东南部7个州之一,别称南方帝国州(Empire State of The South)又译乔治亚州。为纪念英国国王乔治二世而得名,又称乔治亚州。北界田纳西州和北卡罗来纳州,南邻佛罗里达州,东北与南卡罗来纳州接壤,东南临大西洋,西毗亚拉巴马州。

2. theCapitol, 美国国会大厦是美国国会所在地,位于美国首都华盛顿—哥伦比亚特区,于1800年正式投入使用。其被视作民有、民治、民享政权的最高象征。美国国会大厦是一座三层的平顶建筑,内部装设严肃雄伟。它的东面大草坪则是历届总统举行就职典礼的地方。

3.Oklahoma City,俄克拉何马城,美国俄克拉何马州的首府和最大城市,位于俄克拉荷马州的中部。它在1889年4月抢占土地期间建立并在1910年成为俄克拉荷马州首府。

4   语法点津

1.The Republicans lost support after Timothy McVeigh blew up a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people, in 1995.

句子结构: 主语Republicans + 谓语lost + 宾语support + 时间状语从句 + 结果状语killing 168 people

时间状语从句:主语Timothy McVeigh+ 谓语blew up + 宾语building + 地点状语inOklahoma City + 时间in1995

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