《Becoming》by Michell Obama 语言·翻译简书好时光英语学习

《旅程》米歇尔奥巴马自传阅读笔记(12)Why we shoul

2018-12-19  本文已影响4人  Happylins


More than once, he laid out the evidence for why we should be going out. 作者在书中说,他不止一次列出我们应该成为男女朋友的诸多理由。

We were compatible. We made each other laugh. We were both available, and furthermore we confessed to being almost immediately uninterested in any else we met. Nobody at the firm, he argued, would care if we dated. In fact, maybe it would be seen as a positive. He presumed that the partners wanted him to come back for them, eventually. If he and I were an item, it would improve the odds of his committing.


We were compatible. 第一条理由:匹配度高。

We made each other laugh. 第二条理由:在一起很开心。

We were both available, and furthermore we confessed to being almost immediately uninterested in any else we met. 第三条理由:都还是单身狗。除此之外,我们都承认对所见到的其他任何人完全无感。

Nobody at the firm, he argued, would care if we dated. 他接着说,律师事务所里的人根本就不在乎我们人是否在拍拖。

In fact, maybe it would be seen as a positive. 事实上,他反而觉得,我们谈恋爱对律师事务所反而是件好事。为什么呢?请看下一句。

He presumed that the partners wanted him to come back for them, eventually. 他认为律师事务所的合伙人都希望他法学院毕业后加入他们的事务所。

If he and I were an item, it would improve the odds of his committing. 所以如果他和我成为一对,可以增加他来律师事务所上班的可能性。




