
2017-04-29  本文已影响3422人  清水芦苇


在nodejs中有这样一段代码可以使得控制台输出显示颜色,process.stderr.write('\u001b[31m error \u001b[0m :)


The original specification only had 8 colors, and just gave them names. The SGR parameters 30-37 selected the foreground color, while 40-47 selected the background. Quite a few terminals implemented "bold" (SGR code 1) as a brighter color rather than a different font, thus providing 8 additional foreground colors. Usually you could not get these as background colors, though sometimes inverse video (SGR code 7) would allow that. Examples: to get black letters on white background use ESC[30;47m, to get red use ESC[31m, to get bright red use ESC[31;1m. To reset colors to their defaults, use ESC[39;49m (not supported on some terminals), or reset all attributes with ESC[0m.
SGR code

其中有几个关键词:ESC,SGR code, CSI codes


Unicode Character 'ESCAPE' (U+001B) 原来U+001B在unicode编码中就是被定义为转义字符 请戳这里:ESC
【备注:Unicode code points appear as U+<codepoint>】

CSI code

most of the sequences are more than two characters and start with the characters ESC and [ (left bracket/0x5B).
This sequence is called CSI for Control Sequence Introducer (or Control Sequence Initiator)

SGR code

|Code| Name| Effect|
|CSI n m|Select Graphic Rendition|Sets SGR parameters, including text color. After CSI can be zero or more parameters separated with; . With no parameters, CSI m is treated as CSI 0 m (reset / normal), which is typical of most of the ANSI escape sequences.|

\u001b 在不同字符集下的编码表现:

适用场景(不同字符集) 编码
HTML Entity (decimal)
HTML Entity (hex)
javascript \033(注意有别于8进制的utf-16)
C/C++/Java source code \u001B
Python source code u"\u001B"(u开头表示这是一个unicode string)
UTF-8 (hex) 0x1B (1b)
UTF-8 (binary) 00011011
UTF-8 (octal) 033
UTF-16 (hex) 0x001B (001b)
UTF-16 (decimal) 27
UTF-32 (hex) 0x0000001B (1b)
UTF-32 (decimal) 27

process.stderr.write('\u001b[31m error \u001b[0m)
process.stderr.write('\033[31m error \033[0m) (注意033前面的** \ **是必须加的,这在javascript中才会被识别为八进制的33,即c++中的\u001B


  1. ANSI转义字符之颜色
  2. 玩转 命令行之python版本
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