首先我来总结一下本集的‘中心思想’, 一方面概括一下本集的大概内容,交代上下文,另一方面可以锻炼一下用自己的语言讲述故事梗概的能力。我们常说能讲出来的知识才是自己真正掌握的知识,更何况耳闻千遍不如手过一遍呢。(PS:由于是自己的总结,难免有遗漏或者错误之处,欢迎批评指正)
Joey gets a lead-part in a new movie, he was so happy about it. When he drive with Chandler to Lasvegass to shoot the movie, they tried Phobe's game called "Anwser the fist thing that comes into your mind". But when Joey asked "Will you think this movie would be my big break to my life?" Chandler said no. Then Joey was so mad of that and kicked him out on Manhattan Bridge. Although I do not think this would be a break too, but as the best friend, I think Chandler should say yes to show his support to Joey.
Ross has to play the same game with Phoebe too, because Phobe has been mad of him for days. But she does not want to tell Ross why she was mad of him. Phoebe says that is because she was focus on the madding thing so she forgot what she actually mad for. In order to find the reason, Ross played that game with Phoebe, finnally he finds that is because Ross said she is borring in her dream. It is so funny that Phoebe have been angry with Ross because of a dream.
Rachel's left eye has a little infection, her doctor ask her to have some medicine. Rachel says that she would never drop anything into her eyes, then the doctor said if she reject medicine, she will lose her left eye three months later. I do not think so but I do believe it is a great way to persuade Rachel taking medicine.
Can we just not talk about this and change a topic?
I am taking Ben to the park.
You do not need to ask my permision.
You thought this thing could bother me, you were wrong.
Is Phobe there? I want to ask something about the car. Yes, she is there, wait a minute.
I guess he is run out of change.
How about we talk about it later?
Just get that gerk out of my mind.
Are you mad of me? If you do, please tell me.
I was so focus on madding of you so I forget why I am mad of you.
I just got off the phone with Estelle. Guess what? 我刚和艾斯黛讲完电话 你们猜怎么了?
Thanks Joey, she just had a great drive.
Clear you mind and answer the first thing that comes into your head.
Let's get to work. 咱们开工吧
Congratulations on your big break.
If you thought that this mess was gonna bother me, you are wrong! 若你认为这点脏乱就会影响我 那你就错了
Why are you mad of me? You said I was borring.
It is amazing, what is that movie about?
I can not decide which way to take to LA. You have been traveled a lot, can you help me to decide?
Ok, that is all for Friends0522, let's see what will happen in Friends0523 tomorrow.