日更达人联盟活在当下 享受生活在路上


2021-04-01  本文已影响0人  快乐有你_1ec8

1 没有一定会怎样,只有可能会怎样。

There is no certainty,only opportunity.


2 一切将在烈火中终结,我们应共赴死亡。

If this is the end in fire, we should all die together.


3 所需要的只是信仰和信念。

All it takes is faith and trust.


4 生活中最好的礼物就是有机会去做自己值得做的。

The best price that life offers is the chances to work hard and work worth doing.


5 生活就是能让不同的人邂逅相守。

Life has a way of bringing people together.


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