
2015-05-07  本文已影响0人  M遇见

Summer 2015 Report #026 - 05/07/15 Jianjian Wu

1. Plan for next week(***, **, *: order of priority)

• 80%:Write paper about visualization project and complete the fourth and fifth chapter
• 20%:Read one papers about process mining

2. Tasks achieved this week(***, **, *: order of priority)

• 80%:Write paper about visualization project and complete the third chapter
• 20%:Read the paper of “the design and application of process mining based on Petri net”

3. Feedback of Prof. Qiu Prof. Li and Dr. Yan last week

• Read the “the application of process mining in process optimization” paper again

4. Reports

• The paper about process mining that I read this week
Chen jia wei, Wang zhi xian, Zhang yan qing, the design and application of process mining based on petri net, computer engineering and design [J] 2010, 31(10):2308-2312.
This paper describes a log analysis method based on Petri net. This method first modeling the process though system log; then simplifies the model; Last does the experts digging process.
The experts digging process is add the familiarity of users to the system, and token it with <ID, Ti , times, duration>, ID represent user name、Ti represent change、times represent the use times of user、duration represent the average operation time.
The paper that I write last week as the appendix

5. Mile-Stone:

• Implement Alpha algorithm
• Complete the paper of my visualization project and published one paper about visualization


