function afterSubmit(type)
// Load the message record
var message = nlapiGetNewRecord();
// Get the ID of the activity associated with the message
var activity = message.getFieldValue('activity');
// If there is any activityif(activity)
// If the activity is a case, load the record and change the status.try
var caseRecord = nlapiLoadRecord('supportcase', activity);
// If the activity is not a Case, log a warning messagecatch(exec)
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'Warning','Activity Record is not a Case');
1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts > New.
2. Select User Event.
3. In the Name field, enter UE Message.
4. Under the Scripts tab:
In the Script File field, select the JavaScript file created before.
In the After Submit Function field, enter afterSubmit
5. Under the Deployments tab, create a new deployment:
Applied To = Message
Deployed = Yes
Status = Released
Log Level = Debug