
2017-03-19  本文已影响16人  FeBird

irenic    /ʌɪˈrɛnɪk,ʌɪˈriːnɪk/    adjective   formal 

希腊神话中,Eirene 是和平女神。在西班牙电视剧时间管理局的Irene是不是也是同源呢?

Eirene and Ploutos和平女神和财富之神 

Aiming or aimed at peace. Favoring, conducive to, or operating toward peace, moderation, or conciliation.

noun:irenics; noun:eirenics; noun:irenic; noun:eirenic

a part of Christian theology concerned with reconciling different denominations and sects.


mid 19th century: from Greekeirēnikos, fromeirēnē‘peace’. Compare witheirenicon.




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In Greek mythology, Eirene was one of the Horae, the goddesses of the seasons and natural order; in the Iliad the Horae are the custodians of the gates of Olympus. According to the Greek poet Hesiod, the Horae were the daughters of Zeus and a Titaness named Themis, and their names indicate their function and relation to human life. Eirene was the goddess of peace. Her name is also the Greek word for "peace," and it gave rise to irenic and other peaceable terms including irenics (a theological term for advocacy of Christian unity),Irena (the genus name of two species of birds found in southern Asia and the Philippines), and the name Irene.

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