
Reinforcement Learning 第十三周课程笔记

2015-11-18  本文已影响674人  我的名字叫清阳
Game Theory

This week you should

11B Game Theory ReLoaded

Iterated Prisoner's Delama Uncertain End Tit for tat Quiz 1: Tit For Tat response to different stratergies

what to do if we Facing TfT?

Quiz2: what should we do against TfT Finite-state Strategy Quiz 3: Response to IPD Quiz 3 answer

Folk Theorem

Folk Theorem in general MathmaticsX3sA Folk Theorem in Game Theory Quiz 4: Possible average payoff, see next fig for solution Quiz 4: answer

Minmax Profile and Security level profile

Quiz 5: Minmax Profile Security level profile
  1. MinMax Point: DD point
  2. Feasible payoff: yellow filled region
  3. acceptable payoff: any point that to the right-above of MinMax point
  4. Feasible acceptable payoff: intersection of 1. and 2.

Folk Theorem

Folk Theorem

Proof of Folk Theorem

Grim Trigger implausible threats quiz 6: TfT vs. TfT is not subgame Perfect quiz7: Pavlov Machine Pavlov is subgame perfect Computational Folk theorem

Stochastic Games and Multiagent RL

Stochastic Games and Multiagent RL Stochastic Games Quiz 8: constraining the stochastic game will get other models

Zero-Sum Stochastic Games

Zero-Sum Stochastic Games

General-Sum Games

General-Sum Games are not solved Possible direction for General Sum Games



11C Game Theory Revolutions

Game Theory Revolutions

Correlated equilibrium

Chicken Game Quiz 1: Nash Equilibrium? Quiz 2: Listening to Chris or not? Quiz 3: expected payoff of CE Correlated Facts

Cooperative-Competitive Values

Cooperative-Competitive Values Cooperative-Competitive Values Definition CoCo Example CoCo Recap

Mechanism Design

Mechanism Design Peer Teaching King Solomon

Explanation: if B is fake, she will not announce a value that's larger than Vfake, because if A says no, he will get the baby with more than he is willing to pay. So A will get the baby. If B is real mother, she will announce a value Vreal which is larger than Vfake. And A won't say yes because again she will end up with the bay but paying more than she is willing to. So, the real mom will get the baby.

What have we learned.

2015-11-10 初稿
2015-11-17 完成
2015-12-06 reviewed and revised

