1- 总览

2018-07-15  本文已影响50人  俊果果

此系列文章为学习笔记,课程来源于youtube 博主 Wes Doyle同名课程系列

此课程会搭建一个全栈的 Web Application,技术要点简介如下:


  1. Start a new solution, and select Full Web Application (Model, View Controller) with Individual User Account. This will create a base with all the dependencies for MVC and ASP.Net Core Identity.
  2. Next through Nuget we add IdentityServer4.AspNetIdentity. This will automatically brings in IdentityServer4 dependency as well.
  3. In order to have a Login, Logout and Consent UI for IS4 server, IS4 team provides a QuickStart UI the has the controllers, views , CSS and models that we can use first to get the login and logout working and then we can merge them into the MVC template we created first.
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