引导工作坊开场破冰工具 - 合作画人脸

2019-03-20  本文已影响0人  爱引导的盖尔

Collaborative face drawing

The collaborative face drawing is a fun interactive activity that helps with name memorization. 

Running the activity:

-- Give each participant a A4 paper and a pen.
-- Instruct the participants to write their name on the bottom of the paper
-- Ask everyone to walk randomly on the room until you say the word stop.
-- Each person should pair up with someone nearby Instruct the pair to exchange the papers;
-- Everyone should draw the other person eyes

Instruct the pairs to exchange the papers again (now each person should have the paper with their name again)

Repeat steps 3 to 8 for all face parts (eyes, noise,ears, chin, hair, facial hair and accessories)

Below are two photos from this activity. The first ones hows step 3 where everyone is walking randomly waiting for the stop command.The second photo should the final result: a collaborative face drawing.

participants walking around (step 3)

sample result

资料来源:FernandoCarliniGuimarães CEO and visual designer for www.viamosaico.com.br/

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